Megan & Harry
Produced by

Megan Markle

August, 4th 1981 Local Time 4:46 AM Universal Time 11:46 AM

Los Angeles, California, United States 34°03'N, 118°14'W

Harry Duke of Sussex

September, 15th 1984 Local Time 4:20 PM Universal Time 3:20 PM

London, United Kingdom 51°30'N, 00°07'W

Jump to Planetary Positions

Soul Mates

The Relationship interpretation that follows defines the synastry or Inter-Aspects between two people. It compares the planets in Megan's birth chart and the planets in Harry's birth chart. Please check that the birth details are correct.
The Inter-Aspects - or 'Chemistry - between Megan and Harry' splits into four general types:

1. Instant Attractions

These are usually the most potent and dynamic points of interaction between you. They are what create that immediate sense of attraction and significance. But do not be put off if you find little or none, as other interactions will provide reliable connections. They can be either harmonious, confusing, or a bit of both - depending on the planets involved.

2. Relationship Strengths

To varying degrees, these are the harmonious interactions. They create pleasure, reward, and fruitfulness. And, providing you with love, compatibility, understanding. They also help to manage and transform Relationship Challenges.

3. Relationship Challenges

These are the interactions that are most likely to produce friction and disagreement. Some more than others, as the interpretations point out. They often explain your attraction in the first place. They define the deeper reasons for coming together. In reality, they force both of you to become more self-aware. As a result, they help improve your relating skills or ability to love and be loved.

4. Socio-Cultural Interactions

These Inter-Aspects go beyond the individual. They have more to do with similar or different generations, as well as the shaping of cultures and civilization itself. So they show how two people interact at these levels.

As you read them, please note the following:

Close One

An Inter-Aspect is considered a 'Close One' with four or five highlighted stars. It forms a tight bond, and these make up the core of your relationship. Be it good or bad. And it tends to be the number of 'Close Ones' that ensure how much a relationship will last.
Either because there is such a positive bond between you both. Or, because there are issues that need working out or a combination of these two reasons. To call a relationship 'close', there is a general, but not an absolute rule. Around a third of all the Inter-Aspects between Megan and Harry should be 'Close Ones.'

Birth Time

The birth times must be accurate to within fifteen minutes. If the time is only valid within several hours, then some interactions may be unreliable. These will only be the interactions involving the Moon, Ascendant, or Midheaven.

Double Whammy

When Inter-Aspects repeat, and the Inter-Aspect goes both ways. For example, if Megan's Moon is Conjunct Harry's Pluto. Followed by Megan's Pluto Conjunct Harry's Moon. Then it affects the relationship very strongly.


With any Inter-Aspect, Megan and Harry can swap roles, due to psychological projection. And, includes cultural and gender roles, individual status and inclination, etc.
Megan seems to be playing the part of what appears to be Harry's role and vice versa.

The One Golden Rule

No one interaction or Inter-Aspect can make or break Megan and Harry's relationship. In a healthy relationship, you will find the strength to deal with stress or a strain. Through time and love, challenges, when met, can always be overcome. Many relationships do not turn out to be long-lasting or permanent. But, they are there for a reason – and the Inter-Aspects will tell you what that reason is.

Instant Attractions

These are usually the most powerful and dynamic points of interaction between you, and are what create that immediate sense of attraction and significance. But do not be put off if you find little or none, as other interactions will provide strong connections. They can be either harmonious, difficult or a bit of both - depending on the planets involved.

Creative rapport

Megan's Venus Conjuncts Harry's Mercury

If the two of you don't enjoy talking together, then there must be something really wrong. Even then though, you're drawn to discussing 'love problems' anyway, and so on one level, this interaction is always getting what it wants. This is excepting the fact that you do like your conversations to be pleasant and harmonious, and so may gloss over the nastier or more difficult issues that arise. On the other hand, it's your combined awareness of what looks and sounds right which is one of your stronger assets.

So, notwithstanding the tendency to gloss over, you can be an adept pair at finding a pleasing solution, one which is agreeable to most of the people concerned. As such, on a professional or merely social level, you excel at being diplomatic and discreet, and so should be welcome or in demand. You could also be creative together in some way - with Megan providing the appeal and aesthetics, and Harry the interest and technical know-how.

The getter and the got

'Close One'

Megan's Mars Opposes Harry's Ascendant

Although this can bring about a quite immediate sexual reaction to one another - or simply a reaction - it can also lead to actual hostility. Harry has unconsciously attracted someone who will play out his own unexpressed, assertive or aggressive qualities. If Megan is the male and Harry the female, the above can run particularly true to form, even with the man becoming violent if the woman is notably passive or victim-like.

At a less extreme level, Harry could simply introduce Megan to a new, or different social scene, which she, in turn, could react or respond to in any number of ways. Megan, for her part, could stimulate Harry in some way, either sexually or physically and this could then lead to him becoming more aware of how he puts himself across.

In fact, this is the important key to this interaction because, if Harry is good at asserting himself, he gets a positive reaction from Megan, but, if he is weak or ineffectual, then he could get the negative reaction previously described. It can also work the other way around - if Megan is not assertive enough, and Harry is, then he might give her a hard time.

This mirroring effect is very important to understand because it can make the difference between one, or both, people reacting hotly to the other, and simply being more aware of their right to be who they are; which in turn can result in them being more direct in stating their case.

Subtle sexual interplay

Megan's Neptune Conjuncts Harry's Mars

This interaction can lead you a merry dance - and sometimes not at all merry. In fact, 'dancing' makes a very apt metaphor for the interaction between these two planets. First of all, who is leading who? Owing to current gender confusions, and the contemporary styles of dance that reflect them, very few people have a clear idea of this. In families too, the hierarchy of leadership is often in disarray.

But with this interaction between you, some kind of rule had better be established - or a lot of bruised shins and trodden-on toes will be the result! If yours is a sexual relationship, the range of shades and preferences is endless. Suffice to say that it can go from the extremely exotic to the peculiarly dissatisfying, from the intense to the infrequent or non-existent.

Back to the dance - what music are you trying to dance to? This means, what is the theme or philosophy, if any, of your intimate relations? Generally, it's about sexual refinement, which along the way finds Harry's sensitivity and peculiarities reacting with disgust, evasion or confusion, to Megan's hungry and hard pushing. Resorting to artificial stimulants such as drugs or pornography can also enter the picture. Ideally, the pursuit of some spiritual/sexual discipline such as Tantrism or Taoism is recommended.

As far as non-sexual relationships are concerned (or the parts that are not to do with sex), this interaction makes for a subtle interplay between the two of you which can have many expressions, but probably the performing arts, healing and yoga are the major ones. In any event, finding a creative and positive way to channel physical and psychic energies together is the goal to aim for. Without aiming 'high' in this way, this interaction can sink you quite low with deception, listlessness and frustration.

Self-regenerating love

Megan's Pluto Conjuncts Harry's Venus

This interaction exercises a powerful pull towards each other, but to quite a degree it's unconscious. This means that the two of you would probably not notice just how deeply involved you are with one another until later. Feelings of possessiveness or jealousy surfacing could be signs of this depth, especially on Megan's part, who will also try to make Harry 'fit' her emotional requirements.

From Megan's intensely emotional (and possibly isolated) viewpoint, Harry seems to give off a 'take it or leave it' attitude, which is not really the case, even though he would sometimes like to think so. Be that as it may, there's a quality to your relationship that keeps on bringing you through one crisis after another, - renewing both yourselves and the relationship itself - sometimes in spite of yourselves.

The sexual dimension to this interaction is also deep, and intense. Sexual feelings and activities go through significant changes as you are both inevitably, and sometimes painfully, made aware of what works for you - often through a process of occasionally getting stuck with what doesn't!

Money could also be a very significant, or even bargaining, factor in your relationship. The fact that this bond is so powerful and deep is what makes you endure these deep changes and feelings. Unconsciously you're both aware that something won't let you go until it's satisfied; and then it won't matter. 'Till death us do part'?

Home beautiful

Megan's Midheaven Opposes Harry's Venus

Whether it's 'in the home' in the literal sense, or in the sense of one's inner or private world, this interaction confers upon one (or both) of you an aura of beauty and social grace. You feel happy and comfortable with one another - as if you were harmonious family members - and indeed you may actually be so.

Relationship Strengths

To varying degrees, these are the harmonious interactions that create pleasure, reward and fruitfulness - as well as providing you with the love, compatibility and understanding to manage and transform the Relationship Challenges.

Social desirability

Megan's Sun Trines Harry's Mars

This is a very positive interaction since it means that your intentions and actions are in sync with each other. Consequently, activities and projects are executed swiftly, enthusiastically and efficiently. There is also a natural sexual harmony between you, at least on a purely physical level of expression. In fact, this interaction is quite basic because it makes it clear who wants what, who's on top, etc.

If this can be accepted as enough, then this interaction would act as a strong contribution to your relationship being lasting and satisfying. You're able to keeps things simple with a kind of 'go for it or forget it' attitude which can ease and overcome many difficulties that might arise; but not those of a more complex psychological variety. The asset of this interaction is that it makes you as a couple quite brisk, as long as it doesn't cause you to skip more subtle issues. Sporting activities are also something you may enjoy together or even excel in.

Friends until the end

'Close One'

Megan's Sun Trines Harry's Uranus

You have a very positive interaction because it has something that all too many relationships lack: a true sense of friendship. This means that you allow each other room to be yourselves, are open with one another, and that there's little or no possessiveness about each other.

Harry has a liberating and awakening effect upon Megan, giving her new ideas and directions. Alternative or metaphysical subjects are very likely to be the means through which this effect happens, and you may well have met in a situation that was related to such matters. Groups involved in esoteric or unusual pursuits can be a significant part of your time together. In return, Megan validates or furthers Harry's more original expressions and qualities, rather like a monarch would be a patron to an artist.

All of this positive interaction makes for a mutual attraction, mentally and/or physically, yet it does not necessarily confer the emotional stability that ensures a lasting tie. Paradoxically though, because you're always surprising one another with hitherto unknown facets of your characters, this relationship has a self-refreshing quality about it. Whatever the case though, that outstanding friendship should remain.

The problem solver

Megan's Mercury Trines Harry's Uranus

Whatever else might be going on between you, this interaction provides you with a combined mental awareness of new ways of seeing things and, consequently, new ways of being and doing too.
What's behind this mental awareness is a brilliant, almost telepathic, communication. It's been said that, if we were telepathic as a race, then all our problems would cease to exist; for the simple reason that we would always know what someone really meant, and also when someone was lying.

Such mental accord, of which you have some measure, can overcome or actually prevent disagreements and misunderstandings. One could call this interaction 'The Problem Solver', as you free each other from whatever veils have obscured your perception of how things really are. You may even extend this mental tool to help others as well.

Love and duty

'Close One'

Megan's Venus Sextiles Harry's Saturn

There's a definite layer of emotional responsibility and physical fidelity between the two of you. Any more flighty or indulgent elements in one (or both) of you will be prevented - or at least brought to book by this sense of social propriety.

Through highs and lows, this interaction acts as a steadying influence, returning you to some kind of balance. The personal interchange behind this is one of Harry validating Megan's worth, but in a sober, understated way that is ultimately more substantial than a more sensational display of appreciation. Megan, in reciprocation, appreciates Harry's quiet, less sensational side, thereby establishing a very personal bond.

Although this interaction is no more a guarantee of a sound and durable relationship than any other one aspect, it is (or could be) the mainstay of a marriage, business partnership or parent/child relationship.

Easy attraction

'Close One'

Megan's Venus Trines Harry's Ascendant

Megan is quite simply attracted to Harry's physical appearance and manner. This should be immediately obvious to Harry who cannot but help feel flattered by such a response to his image. But that is all it is; one person's image and another's liking of it, and as such this interaction in itself could get a relationship started but little else - unless both of you were unbelievably vain or superficial! More profound and lasting interactions should, and probably do, exist between the two of you.

Bless this house

Megan's Venus Sextiles Harry's Midheaven

One way and another you improve each other's lot - especially on the home and work front. Megan's social or aesthetic assets cater to, or provide opportunity for, Harry's domestic and career requirements while he brings substance and confirmation to her worth and talents. As a pair, more than likely, others find you good to be around as you exude a sense of harmony and well-being.

Energy and control

'Close One'

Megan's Mars Trines Harry's Saturn

This is what you could call a very useful interaction because it bestows practicality and industriousness. Apart from facilitating a business relationship, it also means that you're well able to assist one another in getting things done, or off the ground. This feeling of 'things to be done' that exists between you is of inestimable value because it counteracts any 'woolly' or overly romantic notions that are so common in many relationships.

This is a no-nonsense aspect. Megan is very good at spurring Harry to action, even (or especially) in the areas where he feels inertia and doubt. In return, Harry shows Megan how to be more mature in her choice of activities, and how to be more responsible where possibly she is selfish or headstrong. Because together you link energy and control, you can become a very effective team.

The spur to act

Megan's Mars Trines Harry's Midheaven

You encourage or motivate one another to do whatever needs doing, be it at home or out in the world, so yours is an active relationship rather than a purely romantic or recreational type of thing. One of you always seems to have the wherewithal, either material or intellectual, to get the other a step nearer the goal - or even just to point out that there is a goal.

Friends until the end

Megan's Uranus Sextiles Harry's Sun

You have a very positive interaction because it has something that all too many relationships lack: a true sense of friendship. This means that you allow each other room to be yourselves, are open with one another, and that there's little or no possessiveness about each other.

Megan has a liberating and awakening effect upon Harry, giving him new ideas and directions. Alternative or metaphysical subjects are very likely to be the means through which this effect happens, and you may well have met in a situation that was related to such matters. Groups involved in esoteric or unusual pursuits can be a significant part of your time together. In return, Harry validates or furthers Megan's more original expressions and qualities, rather like a monarch would be a patron to an artist.

All of this positive interaction makes for a mutual attraction, mentally and/or physically, yet it does not necessarily confer the emotional stability that ensures a lasting tie. Paradoxically though, because you're always surprising one another with hitherto unknown facets of your characters, this relationship has a self-refreshing quality about it. Whatever the case though, that outstanding friendship should remain.

Mutual encouragement

'Close One'

Megan's Ascendant Sextiles Harry's Sun

Harry makes Megan feel more confident about her personal expression and appearance by helping her improve it, or simply by appreciating it and, because of this positive effect, Harry feels that he has something going for him too. This healthy interchange can also work the other way around, but, either way, this interaction contributes a good feel to any romantic or marital relationship. You're both confirming each other's existence and therefore get along consistently well.

Emotional ease

Megan's Ascendant Sextiles Harry's Moon

There's a comfortable feel between the two of you provided by this interaction; but it's quite mild in its influence. Consequently, it will augment other harmonious links between you, but would do little to withstand or ameliorate deeper conflicts. Be that as it may, you do find that your feelings and attitudes fit well together, which would also mean that your timing was quite good, with you being in the right place at the right time for each other, and in relationship to circumstances around you.

The spur to act

Megan's Midheaven Trines Harry's Mars

You encourage or motivate one another to do whatever needs doing, be it at home or out in the world, so yours is an active relationship rather than a purely romantic or recreational type of thing. One of you always seems to have the wherewithal, either material or intellectual, to get the other a step nearer the goal - or even just to point out that there is a goal.

Accommodating the unusual

'Close One'

Megan's Midheaven Trines Harry's Uranus

You enable one another to find a place or direction for the unconventional, which can include anything from esoteric/alternative pursuits to quirks of character. The extraordinary in you, or your lives, is seen as quite ordinary by each of you. Consequently, you're far more at ease with one another than with more 'normal' members of society. You introduce something fresh and unforeseen into each other's life, and as such your involvement can mark a new beginning for one (or both) of you.

Relationship Challenges

These are the interactions that are most likely to produce friction and disagreement - some more than others as the interpretations point out. In fact, they often explain why you were attracted in the first place because they define the deeper reasons for your coming together in that they force both of you to become more self-aware and improve your relating skills or ability to love and be loved.

A superior/inferior problem

Megan's Sun Squares Harry's Moon

This makes for a basic incompatibility. You would need to have a great deal going for your relationship in terms of external and superficial worth, or conversely, inner and spiritual worth, in order to override this one. Megan cannot seem to appreciate where Harry is coming from emotionally and, consequently, she often offends, confuses or dominates him without even knowing it. Harry's background and personal habits do not fit in with Megan's lifestyle.

Another, and decidedly better way of overcoming, (or at least diminishing), the negative effects of this interaction, is for Harry to become very aware of how, and why, he reacts to Megan's way of being. In the meantime, Megan would have to learn to observe how Harry is feeling and avoid stepping on his toes. Even so, this is not a desirable interaction, especially between parents, since it puts out mixed messages and double standards to the children - unless these problems are dealt with in the manner suggested.

Two rulers

'Close One'

Megan's Sun Squares Harry's Saturn

You're inclined to trigger each other's doubts and resistance - so this can prove a difficult aspect to your relationship. It's rather as if Megan is the 'monarch' and Harry is 'president/prime minister'. You both have (or want) a sense of power and position, and feel that the other threatens it in some way. Megan is brighter and more outgoing in the use and expression of herself and her way of life. Harry is more conservative, traditional, and toes some sort of party line. Possibly the common ground that you do have is that one, or each, of you wishes to maintain your individual integrity, and so it would be fruitful to earn each other's respect by showing that you both stick to your principles - even though they are very different - and defer to the other if they have properly proved their point.

All this will take time, which poses the necessity of there being a commitment to a duty that goes beyond your ego conflict - like being parents, for example. Basically, a balance needs to be struck between Megan's expansive and generous nature, and Harry's restraining and cautious one. You both have an important contribution to make to whatever is the substance of your relationship, but Megan is being forced to learn that restrictions can have great value, and Harry is having to learn to trust that matters will unfold creatively and should not be controlled too much. Failing to understand these apparently opposing laws of good 'government' can cause one, or both of you, or the relationship itself, to fall from grace.

Territory versus respect

Megan's Sun Squares Harry's Midheaven

Although, at first, Harry can find Megan impressive and fun to have around, eventually he experiences her as a threat to his professional position or domestic set-up - something which Megan may have seen merely as opportune or convenient. So, unless Megan acknowledges and respects that it's a great deal more than that for Harry, she could wind up being unwelcome - quite suddenly.

Then again, Megan may not have been admitted in the first place. On the other hand, Harry could forestall such upset by laying down some ground rules at the outset - but then it would probably be Megan that had to make him aware of them. So that territorial issue persists, whatever the case.

Emotional excess

'Close One'

Megan's Moon Squares Harry's Jupiter

Although there's a measure of kindness and consideration between the two of you, it's inclined to become a case of emotionally indulging (or doting on one another, or conversely, a vague discord caused by the phoniness of such misplaced 'care'. In truth, Megan is after security and home life, while Harry is after freedom and adventure - but these can be interchangeable.

And so a false sense of security or togetherness can grow out of this. It's as if this interaction happens to make it known to one or both of you that what you have been brought up to need or believe in is not actually appropriate for you as individuals.

This is not a particularly difficult challenging aspect - but it can cause emotional confusion. Exploring what you both really need or believe could reveal that you are more in tune than you thought - or a lot less, which is possibly why you'd be disinclined to do so.

Emotional compulsion

Megan's Moon Squares Harry's Neptune

The issue here is one, or both, of you having personal boundaries that are either defined too strongly, or not strongly enough. Consequently, there are three possible scenarios. If you both have vague ideas of where you begin and end as individuals, you then accommodate each other only too well, in a rather indiscriminate fashion. This invites emotional confusion as you tend to drag one another down to the lowest common denominator of living standard.

What allows this to happen is the fact that, in the first place, you kind of melt into each other, fostering the illusion that you are closer than you actually are (or were). In this case, one (or both) of you has to find the strength, or help to make a stand, possibly having to be quite ruthless in the process.

The second case is when one of you is quite open emotionally, and the other is relatively closed. The open one gets under the closed one's skin, in spite of themselves, forcing them to be more emotionally forthcoming. Unfortunately, this is unlikely to be done consciously, but more in the way of being victim-like and needy, compromising the other 'stronger' person in the process. But the stronger person should read this as having to be more compassionate.

The third case, when both of you are quite separate as people, would mean that something occurs, or will occur, that forces you to be more open about your individual vulnerability. Without dealing with whatever your scenario is in the constructive ways suggested here, your relationship could go from confusion to delusion, from misconception to rank deception.

Habit versus manner

Megan's Moon Squares Harry's Ascendant

Harry's manner of self-expression rubs Megan's emotional sensibilities up the wrong way. In return, Megan's reaction to this invites more of same. Megan's habits and routines are also somewhat annoying to Harry. This vicious circle needs to be broken by at least one of you to prevent such disharmony developing into an outright breakdown of any kind of positive interaction. In other words, self-control and some compromises are called for from both of you with regard to your conduct. Failure to do this can, additionally, preclude your doing anything together that caters to others, or the public This interaction is hardly ideal for domestic co-existence!

A communication block

Megan's Mercury Squares Harry's Saturn

You have here a communication block. Often, when putting forth her thoughts or ideas, Megan seems to have to go through an examination under Harry. Literally, or metaphorically, this is a pupil/teacher relationship. In an emotional relationship of any kind, this can obviously give rise to an inferior/superior set-up, with the resentments and disdain that accompany it.

If, however, Megan can appreciate that her ideas probably do need to be made more practical, or put into practice, and that Harry has a point, then this would make a potentially negative interaction quite fruitful. Additionally, or alternatively, Megan may need to take on board the necessity of using her intellect less and her feelings more.

Harry, on the other hand, like any good teacher, has to find a way of saying what he has to say in a way that doesn't make Megan feel stupid, or inferior. Ironically, Megan can see Harry as being stupid because he appears dull and slow, unimaginative and overly conservative.

Harry should seriously consider (his forte, after all) whether Megan has a point here, because one day, she might get so fed up with having her ideas squashed that she finds a new teacher! If both of you can take these points on board, you can have an intellectually serious and mutual learning relationship, rather than a cold and dry one.

Mental interrogation

Megan's Mercury Squares Harry's Pluto

Usually Megan's perception of life is more practical and 'safe' in comparison to Harry's probing or psychological way of looking at it. In the face of Harry's X-ray gaze Megan therefore finds that she has to dodge and weave, and consequently appear even more superficial and 'reasonable'.

On the other hand, Megan may just refuse to budge from what she sees as her more sensible standpoint, branding Harry as being too 'obsessed' with always wanting to get to the very bottom of things. Harry's response to this will be to use every means at his disposal to influence Megan's thinking with his propaganda or psychological or occult values.

Not surprisingly, this is not an interaction to inspire trust - on the contrary, it can lead to 'paranoia' on one or both of your parts. To resolve (or prevent) the breakdown in communication that this can create, Harry should honestly look at the possibility that the reason he wants Megan to see things his way, is that he is not entirely convinced of it himself.

Megan, apart from getting Harry to lighten up a bit, should meet him half way and take a deeper look at herself and the meaning of life. Who knows, she may then be able to give Harry a spot of his own mental medicine.

Sex objects

Megan's Venus Squares Harry's Mars

A quite immediate and very exciting feeling is evident from early on, even on first meeting. A thoroughly enlightened person would see such a sensation as one of Cupid's tricks though; and steer clear.

However, seeing as there are very few thoroughly enlightened beings around, and that there are probably other more valid agendas or interactions between the two of you, you succumb. Yet the fact still remains that this aspect does create sexual attraction, but in itself - there is little else.

One might say this has a 'one night stand' quality about it , because the sex may be gratifying on a physical level, but the lack (or intrusion) of finer feelings finds it very empty or crude. So, what starts out as attracting, can end up repelling. Usually it's Harry who loses interest first and looks elsewhere, although Megan may well have felt uncomfortable beforehand, but continued to succumb in spite of such feelings.

If there are indications elsewhere of the mutual understanding that this interaction definitely doesn't provide, then you'll both probably put such impulsive folly down to experience, or the lack of it. Harry could then learn to refine the expression of his desires, and Megan could recover from any bruised sensitivity and teach herself how to be more emotionally resilient.

Rude but irresistible awakening

Megan's Venus Squares Harry's Uranus

Harry gives Megan a sharp shock as to her real worth and attractiveness. Quite unceremoniously, Harry will expose what's beautiful or ugly, talented or dull, about Megan, and she finds all of this quite irresistible, even though it gives her such mixed feelings about herself and Harry.

It can be seen why this peculiar reaction exists between the two of you in the myth of the god Uranus and the goddess Venus. Uranus was the 'god of gods', Heaven, who lay across Gaia, the Earth, and Creation then came about.

One of his sons, Saturn, strongly disapproved of his random way of ruling and deposed him by scything off his sexual organs and casting them into the sea. From the blood and foam of his severed genitals Aphrodite ('born of foam') or Venus was born.

So you can see where those feelings of alienation came from - especially of the sexual variety! But the symbolism of this is that Uranus wants his power back and Venus wants the freedom to wield it.

So Harry, the 'awakener', thinks if Megan, the 'lover', is still around after so much fast and loose treatment, then she must love me'. Unfortunately, this doesn't work because all Harry is getting from Megan is the measure of her lack of self-love, which perfectly reflects his own lack of self-love.

All of this is important to understand, because it explains why you're so attracted to one another, yet fail to mesh in so many other areas of your respective lives.

In a quirky way, you're both learning one of love's most important lessons: You can only truly love someone else as much as you love yourself. If this relationship is handled right - which means not expecting it to be predictable - then you could both go some way towards loving the 'unusual' or 'outcast' in yourself more, and in each other too.

Sex objects

Megan's Mars Squares Harry's Venus

A quite immediate and very exciting feeling is evident from early on, even on first meeting. A thoroughly enlightened person would see such a sensation as one of Cupid's tricks - and steer clear!

However, seeing as there are very few thoroughly enlightened beings around, and that there are probably other more valid agendas or interactions between the two of you, you succumb. Yet the fact still remains that this aspect does create sexual attraction, but in itself, there is little else.

One might say this has a 'one night stand' quality about it , because the sex may be gratifying on a physical level, but the lack or intrusion of finer feelings finds it very empty or crude. So what starts out as attracting, can end up repelling. Usually it's Megan who loses interest first and looks elsewhere, but Harry may have felt uncomfortable beforehand but carried on succumbing in spite of such feelings.

If there are indications elsewhere of the mutual understanding that this interaction definitely doesn't provide, then you will both probably put such impulsive folly down to experience, or the lack of it. Megan could then learn to refine the expression of her desires and Harry might recover from any bruised sensitivity and teach himself how to be more emotionally resilient.

'Holy War'

Megan's Mars Opposes Harry's Jupiter

Initially, there can be the feeling or 'energy' between you that you are together in order to get or gain something. Consequently, there can be quite a lot of activity, coming and going, or just horsing around in your relationship.

However, it may be a case of more energy than purpose as it eventually dawns on you that you are possibly espousing different causes, motivated by different objectives, or even fighting under opposing standards. But this 'dawning' will not happen until, one day, you come to understand that you both, literally or figuratively, share the same address but lead different lives.

How uncomfortable this is depends upon the level of understanding you have between you and that is indicated by other interactions. For any number of reasons, you may choose to stay together while leading your own lives. If there are certain commitments, like family for instance, then this would be a sensible, if not totally desirable, expression of this interaction.

Failing this, a kind of 'Jihad' or 'Holy War' could be your ongoing lot. The freedom to roam is the keynote of this interaction. Whatever you each make of the place of this in a relationship, one or both of you will inevitably go their own way - with or without the other's blessings. But this could actually be the elusive purpose of this interaction: for one of you to graciously grant the other freedom, or at least help them to discover it.

Having to walk your talk

Megan's Jupiter Squares Harry's Ascendant

Megan is inclined to judge Harry's moral or spiritual standing purely by his character and manner of expression. Understandably, Harry can be offended by this, seeing Megan as sanctimonious and hypocritical. More constructively, Harry can force Megan to walk her talk if she wishes to be taken seriously. However, what can follow upon this is that if Megan does walk her talk, then Harry really will have to look to the ethical or spiritual dimension of his life.

Adult and child

Megan's Saturn Squares Harry's Ascendant

Megan will find Harry's personal manner offensive in some way - it'll be too childish, egocentric, showy or impulsive and because of this, she will try to discipline or belittle Harry into behaving or expressing himself in what she sees as a more appropriate way. Naturally enough, Harry will find this stifling, painful and/or boring, and will most probably step up the very action that got Megan going in the first place - either that or sulk.

Needless to say, a good amount of love and understanding, (hopefully provided by other interactions), is needed to make each of you understand that the other does have a point. Harry does need to reform his manner of expression and how he physically holds or presents himself if he wishes to make a better impression, whereas Megan should focus upon exactly why it embarrasses her, or makes her feel uncomfortable - maybe she should take a leaf out of Harry's book of self-expression, or heed the same criticism she herself is dishing out. Failing all of this, this interaction is decidedly divisive.

Emotional awakening through apathy

Megan's Uranus Opposes Harry's Moon

This is not an interaction that anyone should invest in for the future, or at least, expect to have a conventional lifestyle with. Harry needs security and comfort, family values and emotional receptivity. Megan wants change and excitement, friendship values and mental freedom. So it's no surprise, or rather it is, when Harry discovers that after finding Megan such a turn-on, that she is also unpredictable and hard to keep to anything solid or routine.

Furthermore, Megan is liable to react in this way to an even greater extent when Harry tries to mother her or be mothered by him. The sooner Megan sees that she unconsciously became involved for reasons of freeing herself from any such blind and immature security needs, then the less likely she is to have such a hard time of it.

Megan, for her part, should try to go a bit more gently on Harry's feelings, and consider the possibility that her reason for allowing herself to become involved are the opposite of Harry's - that is, to understand that her blows for freedom are more to do with a fear of emotional commitment, and to search for and explore something less comfortable and more unusual in a relationship.

Ultimately, you're in the relationship to show one another that the combining, or confrontation, of freedom and security takes a great deal of emotional honesty on both your parts. Without waking up to the 'emotional clearing' that this interaction poses, you will find the extreme ups and downs that you experience very hard to endure or understand.

Fascination and illusion

'Close One'

Megan's Neptune Squares Harry's Sun

Your relationship can start off as a fatal fascination but then, eventually, encounter disillusionment - or if not dealt with, even end in it This is because one or both of you, on first meeting the other, will present their most attractive and glamorous idea of themselves, blended with whatever the other expects this to be.

This is a bit like sunshine sparkling on and off the surface of water. But come nightfall there can be just a dull grey limpid mass - that is, sooner or later the mirage evaporates and the real and vulnerable person remains. Unless one of you is some kind of spiritual master (in which case you wouldn't have been fooled in the first place) you then find that what you thought was a 'shinning knight' or a 'damsel in distress', is by comparison rather pathetic.

But, continuing with the 'Sun reflected on the water' metaphor, you are really seeing what is pathetic about yourselves. But again, both of you will most likely try to bluff your way out of this uncomfortable situation, which is when the real trouble begins. One of you (probably, but not always, Harry) takes on the role of the one in charge and can make the other's life a misery by treating them like a slave, fool or fall guy.

If not doing so already, then one or both of you may seek solace in some form of escape from the oppression - like alcohol, drugs or work, or eventually from out of the relationship all together. However, this could prove difficult, because both of you are addicted to your own illusions of strength and weakness which is what this interaction so uncomfortably represents. Consequently, all manner of deception (self, unconscious or otherwise) can creep into the cracks that this interaction opens up. So unless some rigorous creative, spiritual or therapeutic discipline is, or already has been, embarked upon by both of you, your relationship will become a leaky vessel that has only one fate.

Business and pleasure don't mix

Megan's Ascendant Squares Harry's Venus

Although there is a fun aspect to work interests, the two of you could fall out where these wires get crossed. For example, this could take the form of one of you feeling taken advantage of - which could be the result of not being assiduous enough when called for - with the other feeling that they are feckless and not pulling their weight. The social and romantic interests of one of you also interfere with the career and status of the other. If the two of you can learn to determine (and maintain) the distinction between work and play, this Inter-Aspect need not be too much of a problem.

The manipulator and the manipulated

Megan's Ascendant Squares Harry's Pluto

Initially, and maybe for quite some time, your relationship (or a part of it) has to go on in secret, with few (or no-one) knowing about it. As such, this imposes the pressure and the excitement of forbidden fruit upon your coming together at any time.

When, and if, you are able to 'come out' and show your face to the world, there may still be a deal of trouble stemming from conflicting or awkward circumstances, and possibly from someone else who is involved with one, or both, of you in such a way that is not easily got out of.

So, although this compulsive sort of interaction is the type that actually forms a relationship in the first place, it does tend to get you off on the wrong foot with convolutions and machinations being apparently unavoidable.

Yet the best way to deal with all of this intrigue is to be as open and honest as possible, which would entail Megan dropping her façade and eventually coming clean, and Harry eliminating whatever is getting in the way of what he wants before getting in too deeply.

In any event, what is behind this interaction, and what is probably a perennial difficulty, is that of preventing concealed or hard to pinpoint issues getting in the way of any genuine connection that you have between you. This is in aid of eliminating any possibility that all there is to the relationship is compulsion and intrigue.

Socio-Cultural Interactions

These Inter-Aspects consist only of the slower-moving Planets. These are Jupiter and Saturn, sometimes called the Social Planets, and Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, the so-called Transpersonal Planets as they go beyond the individual and have more to do with generations and the shaping of cultures and civilization itself. So they show how two people interact at these levels.

In some cases these interactions are hardly noticeable for they are absorbed into one's social and cultural milieu and not experienced as anything that 'personal'. However, by being made aware of them one is able to see advantages and setbacks that were previously 'invisible' and can thereby increase or reduce them.

In other cases, especially when one of the Planets involved figures strongly in other interactions, or is a Close One or a Double Whammy (see Introduction above), such Inter-Aspects can be felt to be very significant.

Differences of opinion

'Close One'

Megan's Jupiter Squares Harry's Jupiter

Trouble can arise out of your respective morals and ethics coming into collision. This can particularly focus upon issues of material values versus spiritual values. Interestingly, until you came to hotly disagree with one another over such principles, you possibly didn't know just how strongly you felt about them. So, this interaction causes the friction that is necessary for you both to grow in many respects .

The difference of opinion, which is the essence of this interaction, should therefore be seen as a good thing. However, it only needs one of you to think that you're completely in the right over any given issue, and that could drive a permanent wedge between you. Even then, if the other has the real faith to see things out in good grace, then it would only be a matter of time before such a fanatical belief was seen to be the hot air that it is. It could be quite a long wait though.

Lucky together

Megan's Jupiter Sextiles Harry's Uranus

A healthy sense of freedom and equality is the keynote here, and it's linked to the fact that your individual philosophies of life, without necessarily being the same, are able to find common ground. Yours is a modern and future-orientated partnership, and you could both be actually involved with new realms of thought and religion. Without any conscious effort, this interaction seems to foster the development of the innovative and unusual.

This is not what you would call a dynamic interaction, but it does provide an atmosphere of altruistic and platonic co-operation. This is a harmonious connecting of your higher minds - so to get the best out of this, quite a lot depends upon how consciously or deliberately you invest time and energy as a couple into mind-expanding pursuits.

Potentially, you are able to further each other's higher or better interests, and this in turn would attract 'luck' into your life as a couple in the form of good timing and unexpected opportunities or windfalls, and possibly disappearing into the wild blue yonder every so often.

The realist and the idealist

'Close One'

Megan's Saturn Squares Harry's Jupiter

Megan sees Harry as impractical and over-indulgent, while he regards her as purblind, too reliant upon status and rules, and possibly as a stick-in-the-mud. In truth though, this difficult interaction is in aid of teaching both of you that creating a balance between these two sides of life - namely, growth and limitation - is highly important.

As the Chinese philosopher Lao-Tzu said, "If you wish to contract something, you must first let it fully expand". This counsels Megan to let Harry go off on his flights of fancy, possibly fall flat on his face, and come back the wiser, but what can stop Megan doing this is her own fear of taking chances or thinking big.

So, on the other hand, Megan could learn a lesson or two from Harry by having more faith in life. Underlying all of this can be a fundamental difference in your respective socio-cultural backgrounds and values. Harry is looser and fancy free, while Megan is structured and more formal.

You both have something to offer one another, but deeply ingrained standards and opinions will be forced to the surface by the very conflict itself. In the process, hopefully, both of you will consciously choose the best of each - and discard whatever inherited beliefs and conditions are constricting, outmoded or useless.

Realist versus dreamer

Megan's Saturn Squares Harry's Neptune

Megan tends to experience this interaction as Harry's weaknesses and peculiarities being detrimental to her stability and material well-being, while he, on the other hand, sees Megan's ingrained fears and inhibitions as being frustrating and suppressive. A lot of blame and guilt can be generated by this conflict of values and approach.

Megan finds herself in a position of having to hold the fort while Harry is being feckless and irresponsible, at least from her point of view. But Harry cannot stand playing by Megan's rules, and regards her as the 'heavy father' who disapproves when he has a little fun. 'The Authoritarian and the Libertine' would be an apt title for this pairing.

As far as adopting a more positive attitude is concerned, Megan should try to see that Harry, consciously or unconsciously, is trying to get her to go with the flow more, to stop trying to control everything, and to confess her fears and thereby disperse them. Harry should honestly admit to any need for self-control, more practicality and generally cleaning up his act.

Ultimately, both of you are forced by this interaction to listen to your consciences, rather than project them onto each other as blame and recrimination. Until this psychological impasse is dissolved, or at least taken onboard and admitted to, this is not a good aspect for the building of anything together.

Cultural compatibility

Megan's Neptune Conjuncts Harry's Neptune

This is a generational contact, meaning that you are more or less the same age and, therefore, have been subjected to similar cultural, spiritual and musical influences in your lives. Such acts as a general underlay of compatibility in these respects.

Megan's Planetary Positions

August, 4th 1981 Local Time 4:46 AM Universal Time 11:46 AM

Los Angeles, California, United States 34°03'N, 118°14'W


North Node











House Cusp Positions











  • Geocentric
  • Tropical
  • Placidus
  • True Node

Harry's Planetary Positions

September, 15th 1984 Local Time 4:20 PM Universal Time 3:20 PM

London, United Kingdom 51°30'N, 00°07'W


North Node











House Cusp Positions











  • Geocentric
  • Tropical
  • Placidus
  • True Node