Meghan Markle
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Meghan's chart wheel

Meghan Markle

August, 4th 1981 Local Time 4:46 AM Universal Time 11:46 AM

Los Angeles, CA 34°03'N, 118°15'W

Forecast : 8th November 2022 to 7th November 2023

Meghan Markle

August, 4th 1981 Local Time 4:46 AM Universal Time 11:46 AM

Los Angeles, CA 34°03'N, 118°15'W

All times based on current location of Los Angeles, CA

Jump to Planetary Positions

Career & Ambition Destiny

Hi Meghan,

This personal Astrology reading provides fascinating insight into your Career & Ambition Destiny.

It includes your Midheaven, also known as the MC, and the placements of Saturn and Mercury at the exact moment you were born. This information can be remarkably accurate in revealing your ambitions, dependability and decision-making abilities.

It's important to remember that you have a choice about what develops in your world. If you want to be happier, then you can be, regardless of what occurs in the cosmos. However, your Career & Ambition Destiny reading offers insight into your unique characteristics and can help you understand the part the heavens play in the unfolding story of your life.

To the right of each pair of 'aspect' symbols is a group of five stars. The darker the stars, the more powerful and significant the meaning of that aspect is to you.

We wish you a wonderful future!

Your Transit Calendar

Your Career Aspirations & Status

Discover your true purpose in life, your dream job, the occupation through which you will evolve personally and your reputation or status in the eyes of those who surround you.

Leader and Risk-Taker

Midheaven in Aries

How you portray and convey yourself career-wise is extremely important to you. To you, success and the image of being successful go hand-in-hand, and you equate workplace or career recognition with defining who you are.

You are a dynamic leader, and your naturally competitive – or what could even be described at times as combative - public persona brings you success in whatever field you target your fervent energy and passion toward. Where other peoples' passions might fizzle out at the initial hurdles, you have the energy to sustain any career that inspires and motivates you.

Your fearlessness and determination to lead rather than follow sets you apart from others and has probably played a large part in your reputation as a risk-taker. Although your impatience and quick temper can alienate you from others in the workplace, you gain respect and admiration from pursuing career-related goals your way.

Your Midheaven Aspects

Independent Achiever

'Close One'

Sun Trines Midheaven

Your confidence in your abilities is unquestionable. You are exceptionally 'in tune' with who you are, what you're capable of and your life's direction. You set very high expectations and probably have an impressive track record of achieving or exceeding them.

You're undaunted by competition. If anything, a competitor in your midst only spurs you on to increase your efforts and overtake them by doing so. The success you achieve is, and always will be, done 'your way.' You learned long ago that, with the right level of effort applied, rewards are assured.

Home Comfort

Moon Opposes Midheaven

Home is definitely where your heart is. Your priorities involve balancing time spent alone with surrounding yourself with people who offer emotional support, such as family members and loved ones.

You need a familiar and comfortable domestic environment, which might explain why outsiders are often invited to come to you, rather than you going to them. Your home offers an ideal and necessary base to immerse yourself in a quiet world of contemplation, remove yourself from the hectic pace of life and recharge your physical and emotional batteries.

Future Planner

Mercury Trines Midheaven

From an early age, you were constantly thinking about what you wanted to do when you were older. You, therefore, put in place an action plan that would help you to develop essential skills and talents.

You still possess the necessary levels of discipline to learn any skills you need. You're also willing to learn from those above you so that you can be in their position in the future. Your future-oriented mind lends itself superbly to careers in communications, science, education or any field that requires mental dexterity and an ability to communicate clearly.

Confidence is Key

'Close One'

Mars Squares Midheaven

You could believe that investing any effort toward cherished plans or ambitions is better than investing none. However, your fervent and, at times, sporadic approach can mean you focus attention on too many pursuits, plans or projects and spread yourself too thinly as a result.

You want to see results instantly and prefer to create strategies as you go along rather than work to thought-through plans. This also applies to others' ideas and suggestions. You probably see their input as more distracting than helpful or believe they possess a hidden agenda that involves watching you fail.

You might also be disinclined to be advised or instructed by authority figures, perhaps due to a belief that nobody has the right to tell anyone what to do. Fortunately, when your confidence is high, you're more receptive to listening to and working with others and can claim shared responsibility of impressive achievements. If you keep your confidence levels high, then everyone wins!

Fond Memories

Jupiter Opposes Midheaven

You probably view your home and family as important refuges you can retreat to when life becomes too intense. You might have exceptionally fond memories of your childhood and profound respect for your parents, especially the one who provided you with the most emotional support.

Later in life, you might seek to replicate the environment in which you grew up or a community closeness similar to what you experienced when you were younger. You dislike cramped or claustrophobic conditions and will prefer a large, elegant home or one that offers much open space. Your need for freedom also applies to relationships, and you'll avoid jealous or possessive types.

However, you possess plenty of emotional security, which helps you to withstand challenging times and willingly offer assistance to others when they need it.

Difficulty Relating

Saturn Opposes Midheaven

There have likely been numerous times during your life that you have felt so lonely and different from others that relating to them has been difficult or even impossible. You might also feel as if you carry considerably more responsibility than those around you.

Although this might stem from a genuine need to have done so when you were young, it could now be due to you setting exceptionally high standards and refusing to ask for help or support when both are needed. You yearn to be in social settings and surrounded by others.

Then, when this happens, you yearn to be alone or detached. When you get the balance right, life becomes much less oppressing.

Where Effort Brings Success

Your need for structure, discipline, and logic within situations or environments.

A Practical and Responsible Decision-Maker

Saturn in Libra

You have strong ideas regarding justice and fairness but could discover during your lifetime that both involve harsh lessons learned at times.

You apply practicality and responsibility to thought processes and decisions. Through possessing a need to express yourself creatively, you know how to apply necessary discipline to artistic or creative pursuits. A strong and innate desire for comfort or luxury could be hampered when a need to be realistic and sensible is applied to spending or investing.

Interacting with others and, particularly, relationships will likely require constant attention and compromise. You could focus intently on 'worst case' scenarios where relationships are concerned and cause situations to occur that you feared would happen. A fear of rejection or a constant need to feel loved and placated could play a part in such a scenario.

This could also play a part in your desire to be detached or insular, therefore causing you to appear aloof or uninterested when the opposite is likely true!


The Most Effective Communicator

Saturn in the 3rd House

It's important to you that you're seen as a wise, witty and intellectual thinker and communicator. In truth, you're both.
You possess an amazing mental filter that ensures what you say or convey is done with remarkable accuracy and simplicity. You also possess an elephantine memory which comes in handy when relaying lessons learned throughout your lifetime from experience. However, despite having such an array of positive communicative talents, you might believe you fall short of others' expectations.
You've spent a lifetime learning how to absorb information in the most disciplined ways. Therefore, you are as smart as others believe you to be. What you have to say does matter and interests others. All will be fine as long as you don't allow negative thought patterns to convince you otherwise.

Your Saturn Aspects

Revealing Vulnerability

'Close One'

Moon Conjuncts Saturn

Your emotional life might have had its share of hardship, sadness or guilt. This might have been difficult if either parent, especially your mother, was a negative influence when you were young.

Creating emotional security is important because of your fervent desire to feel needed and valued. Your attitudes and responses to relationships might be objective and unemotional. Your keenness to be strict with yourself often overspills into your close connections.

Once you overcome shyness and your occasional lack of self-respect, you can maintain long-term, intimate relationships. Revealing your vulnerable side can turn detachment into closeness, and depression into contentment.

Thinking Big

'Close One'

Mercury Sextiles Saturn

Your focused mind helps with turning any vision into a large-scale plan and bringing it to fruition. You thrive when applying your single-minded drive to see a goal or plan executed to the very best of your ability.

You learn everything possible about subjects that interest or fascinate you and seek to become an expert in them. You take on responsibility for your mind's creations and are keen to share your knowledge or skills wherever possible. There is clear structure to your thinking and the way you convey yourself and your mental strength helps you get through the other side of stress or any dramas in life unscathed.

Releasing Negative Energy

Mars Squares Saturn

Your desires and goals are powerful and vivid to you, but you might experience challenges when it comes to expressing and attaining both. This might be due to experiencing harsh criticism or an overly-strict upbringing when you were younger, perhaps from your father or an authority figure.

This might have led to difficulty in overcoming inhibition, shyness, or feelings of inadequacy. A lifelong need exists to release such negative energy which will always result in greater self-confidence, wisdom gained through experience and a strong work ethic. Patience, perseverance, and empathy can be your strong points and facilitate healthy self-esteem, long-lasting relationships, impressed achievements - and much-deserved recognition!

Rewards Offer Lessons

'Close One'

Jupiter Conjuncts Saturn

You have a constant need to override pessimism with optimism. That's why it's important to accept that rewards you gain from your efforts always contains a lesson of some kind, even if it's not always immediately obvious.

You probably understood from a young age that rewards are reflective of effort and we receive what we give. You also manage to balance your need for security with the need to take the occasional risk.

Removal from comfort zones is essential to expand your knowledge and achieve your potential, but you're acutely aware of limitations that exist with doing so. Fortunately, plans you pursue are structured, and this ensures you embark upon them in the best possible way which boosts your chances of success enormously.

Essential Burden Releasing

'Close One'

Saturn Conjuncts Moon

During your lifetime, your emotional strength will be challenged. Your emotions have been and will continue to be burdened by responsibility, guilt, shame, loss, separation, loneliness or depression.

It might also feel at times as if those closest to you conspire to make your life difficult. However, much of the guilt or responsibility for any hardship suffered comes from within you. By accepting and appreciating how loved, supported or admired you are, you will release yourself from your burdens and discover that life doesn't always have to be a constant, painful learning curve.

Structured Thinking Solves Problems

'Close One'

Saturn Sextiles Mercury

Your focused mind helps with turning any vision into a large-scale plan and bringing it to fruition. You thrive when applying your single-minded drive and take enormous pride in seeing a goal or plan completed to the best of your ability. You take an exceptionally keen interest in topics that interest or fascinate you and become an expert in them in a short space of time.

You take full responsibility for your mind's creations and are keen to share knowledge or skills wherever possible. A clear structure exists in your thinking and ways you convey yourself. Your mental fortitude helps you see solutions where others see problems, and this makes stress or dramas manageable.

Releasing Negative Energy

Saturn Squares Mars

Despite how powerfully vivid your desires and goals are, you likely experience challenges when expressing or attaining both. Receiving harsh criticism or an overly-strict upbringing when you were younger might have influenced – and continue to affect - your belief in your abilities, and present difficulty with overcoming inhibition, shyness, or occasional feelings of inadequacy.

This pushes you to release negative energy to boost your self-confidence and strong work ethic. Patience, perseverance, and empathy are a few of your many, strong assets and when applied courageously, facilitates healthy self-esteem, long-lasting relationships, impressive achievements - and plenty of well-deserved recognition!

Essential Structure

'Close One'

Saturn Conjuncts Jupiter

You're on a lifelong mission to balance optimism and pessimism. This also likely involves you accepting that, for every reward you gain from your efforts, a lesson is contained in there somewhere.

You understand that you 'get what you deserve' and 'receive' what you 'give.' You're constantly balancing your need for security with the need to take the occasional risk and want to expand your knowledge and prospects but are acutely aware of limitations that exist with doing so. However, you can't escape the need for structure in any plans you pursue.

As long as it exists within any strategy, then you'll be getting it off to the best possible start and boost enormously the chances of success.

Difficulty Relating

Saturn Opposes Midheaven

There have likely been numerous times during your life that you have felt so lonely and different from others that relating to them has been difficult or even impossible. You might also feel as if you carry considerably more responsibility than those around you.

Although this might stem from a genuine need to have done so when you were young, it could now be due to you setting exceptionally high standards and refusing to ask for help or support when both are needed. You yearn to be in social settings and surrounded by others.

Then, when this happens, you yearn to be alone or detached. When you get the balance right, life becomes much less oppressing.

Thinking and Communicating

Your thought patterns, how you approach problems and convey yourself.

A Passionate and Confident Communicator

Mercury in Leo

Your authoritative and confident ways of conveying yourself undoubtedly make you attractive in the eyes of others. Your desire to share knowledge and experiences with others can make you appear cocky or even arrogant or rude at times but you're a natural leader, and your charismatic personality encourages and inspires others to follow you.

Possessing high levels of warmth, goodwill, and persuasiveness, you have strong opinions and beliefs, and know precisely how to convey these. Expressing yourself creatively is very important to you, and you do it with drama and style. Your intense passion and enthusiasm are always evident when making a point, verbally or in writing.

Through possessing intellect connected with your ego, you often seek praise for your ideas. This can make you appear detached where group brainstorming sessions are concerned, which, in turn, can cause you to appear unfairly arrogant or uncooperative.

You're an inspirational teacher and adopt creative, entertaining and spontaneous approaches to instructional learning.


Irresistible Energy

Mercury in the 1st House

Your mischievous charm is alluring, but curious nature can get the better of you at times. Despite it being a powerful and admirable trait, it can make you restless, easily distracted and changeable.
Your ability to talk and convey yourself clearly is powerful and endearing, but those you're communicating with would like to see more willingness on your part to listen. Fortunately, you possess attractive and irresistible energy when you throw yourself into the pursuit of new ideas, plans or projects.
Others will often be happy for you to take the lead and connect instantly with the logic that underpins your quick-thinking – but will need to make an effort to keep up with your abundant mental energy!

Your Mercury Aspects

Concise Communicator

Mercury Conjuncts Sun

You possess impressive mental alertness, an ability to 'think on your feet' and thrive with interaction and all forms of communication with others. You express your identity through communicative connection, and some might say your appetite for conversation is legendary! Your thought processes are logical, and this helps enormously with you conveying thoughts clearly and easily. If someone wants a concise or straightforward answer, they come to you.

Flexible Conversationalist

'Close One'

Mercury Sextiles Moon

Not only are you finely tuned to your feelings, but you're also equally tuned to the feelings of others. This makes engaging in relaxed and ice-breaking conversations easy, on both sides. Your innate sensitivity helps to keep conversations light when necessary and deep or profound when appropriate.

Your caring way with words makes you an excellent advice-giver, underpinned by an excellent ability to listen, especially to anyone struggling to summon the courage to express their feelings. Your memory is sharp, helped by your sentimental and reflective nature. You enjoy casting your mind back to the past constantly, especially where family and friendships are concerned.

Seeking Mind-Broadening Experiences

'Close One'

Mercury Sextiles Jupiter

You find anything that broadens your mind stimulating and enjoy being led by your curiosity. You probably discover the most mind-broadening experiences come from travel and enjoy sharing your knowledge and asking others, particularly friends, for their input to your many unanswered questions. You're an objective thinker, a good judge of character and if anyone needs an excellent decision-maker or mediator, you're probably the person they come to!

Thinking Big

'Close One'

Mercury Sextiles Saturn

Your focused mind helps with turning any vision into a large-scale plan and bringing it to fruition. You thrive when applying your single-minded drive to see a goal or plan executed to the very best of your ability.

You learn everything possible about subjects that interest or fascinate you and seek to become an expert in them. You take on responsibility for your mind's creations and are keen to share your knowledge or skills wherever possible. There is clear structure to your thinking and the way you convey yourself and your mental strength helps you get through the other side of stress or any dramas in life unscathed.

Future Planner

Mercury Trines Midheaven

From an early age, you were constantly thinking about what you wanted to do when you were older. You, therefore, put in place an action plan that would help you to develop essential skills and talents.

You still possess the necessary levels of discipline to learn any skills you need. You're also willing to learn from those above you so that you can be in their position in the future. Your future-oriented mind lends itself superbly to careers in communications, science, education or any field that requires mental dexterity and an ability to communicate clearly.

Essential Transparency

Mercury Conjuncts North Node

A correlation exists between your thought processes and emotional security. When all is good, you enjoy the best of both worlds by gaining intellectual stimulation from reading, learning, interesting conversations and being pushed to apply your mental skills.

This is balanced by feeling secure and that you're not only satisfying your intellectual needs but feel your communicative contributions are valid, accepted or valued. However, the polar opposite occurs when your confidence dips. You become afraid to open up, convey yourself in any way and reluctant to learn.

Those who know you are probably aware of this and can detect instantly how secure you feel in your world by how exuberant or withdrawn you are at any time. You can maintain your feel-good factor by being open and transparent with your thoughts and feelings rather than suppress them when you believe it's necessary to retreat into your shell.

Career & Ambition Destiny Forecast

Your personal Career & Ambition Destiny for twelve months provides unique and detailed insight into long-term astrological influences affecting your most important career ambitions. A short-term monthly summary is also provided regarding what you can expect - and prepare for.

You'll notice this document outlines various 'trends' influencing and shaping your Career & Ambition Destiny over varying periods of time. 'Longer-term trends' highlight 'behind the scenes' activity and where you'll likely need to accept gradual change.

'Steady or challenging trends' indicate where stability likely exists in your world but also where you need to prepare yourself for a helpful learning curve of some kind. 'Emergent or Disorderly Trends' help you to identify in advance when sudden, unanticipated developments – and often of the delightful kind - might occur.

You might also notice certain aspects involve planets experiencing 'retrograde motion,' an illusion that makes a planet appear to move backward. This offers an excellent opportunity for reflection and often something to be learned from the past that can be applied helpfully to the present and future.

Being able to monitor cosmic support available to you will help you to understand better your attitude toward your Career & Ambition Destiny. This can be invaluable in helping you to form - or strengthen – connections in ways you've only. dreamed of.

Please note, at the beginning of your Career & Ambition Destiny you will find your birth chart and aspect grid with a list of the planet aspects of your birth chart. What follows are interpretations of transiting planets and the aspects, they make to the planet positions of your birth chart.

Your Career & Ambition Destiny forecast should only be used as a helpful guide. At all times, it is for you to choose the best path to follow from what is written below and develop the most positive and rewarding parts of your character.

Emerging or Overstating Trends

Jupiter trends from 8th November 2022 to 7th November 2023

January 22nd 2023 onwards to February 3rd 2023

Choose your words carefully, and a reward can be yours

Transiting Jupiter Trines your natal Mercury

People, we are told, 'buy people.' This saying refers to how much can be achieved when we choose to invest trust in someone else, and it is trust that always plays the most crucial factor in any negotiation or exchange.

Your powers of persuasion are extremely high now. You might even be overlooking how persuasive you are or could be if given a chance. Your ability to persuade though is only half of what is required to achieve something wonderful now. The other half relies on your ability to win a certain person's trust.

They probably won't need too much persuading, but they will need some. Use your ability to convey yourself in such a clear way wisely and sensitively, and you won't need to worry too much about gaining you-know-who's trust, it will come on its own.

January 24th 2023 onwards to February 4th 2023

Ring the changes, but not too loudly

Transiting Jupiter Opposes your natal Saturn

Are you being controlled or is it the other way around? Chances are, you're aware of more than one level of restriction that exists in your world and want to do something to change this frustrating situation.

Be careful though, how quickly you say the words 'enough is enough' and to whom you say them.

Once you start to see evidence of what your efforts can achieve regarding breaking free from one undesirable situation, you could be inclined to see what else is possible in other areas and, before you know it, will have invited the equivalent of a tidal wave of change and upheaval into your world.

If that's what you want, then proceed. However, through making clear to a certain person what you're no longer prepared to tolerate, you could just find that one change is enough for now.

February 24th 2023 onwards to March 6th 2023

The importance of being seen

Transiting Jupiter Conjuncts your natal MidHeaven

Rarely, does someone who owns a high powered or classic car leave it in a garage out of view. Many owners of such cars don't necessarily feel the need to blow proverbial trumpets about how lucky they are to own such things while others are keen for anyone to see them because of status symbols they represent.
Similarly, it would be helpful to consider how you could be doing yourself a disservice in an area of your personal world by detaching yourself or being aloof. There is much respect and even admiration to be gained and achieved from certain others - or one person in particular - through making yourself known and available rather than keeping hidden in the background.
If you're willing to show yourself and make yourself more available in certain circles, then there is a way you can benefit from opportunities to enhance friendships, your status in the eyes of others or romantic alliances that will be available to seize should you want them.

June 5th to 16th 2023

The art of listening

Transiting Jupiter Squares your natal Mercury

Many people believe that 'good' salespeople possess something called 'gift of the gab,' they believe selling requires much discussion. Experienced salespeople learned long ago that the best way to sell something is to let the buyer do most of the talking. Such salespeople understand the power and benefits of listening.

That's the balance you need to strike now where a close personal relationship is concerned. There appears to be much to say, and some of it might be a bit on the intense side.

That's why listening is as important as speaking. Be receptive, fair and non-judgmental wherever possible.

Forecast from 8th November

Wednesday 9th November


Powerfully Engaging, Delightfully Romantic

Mercury transits your natal 5th house from 9th November 2022 to 2nd December 2022

You might enjoy being guided by unpredictable thought processes, and these could play a part in you expressing yourself in intelligent and witty ways. Superficial chitchat is unlikely to interest you now as you prefer conversations or exchanges that truly stimulate the mind or are based around something genuinely interesting. Communication, whether written or spoken, acts as an outlet for creative self-expression. Your communicative style could be powerfully engaging – and delightfully romantic! This could be a time when you seek an audience, whether this involves allowing any entertaining talents to shine or applying your enhanced creativity to make learning a fun and enjoyable experience for others.

Friday 11th November

Listen and Trust

Transiting Mercury Opposes your natal Chiron from 11th to 12th November 2022. Exact 12th November

We all know someone prone to often taking what's said to them too personally. Whether a comment is made in jest or an innocuous observation, we can be aware of how someone somehow manages to read more into what's said than is necessary. It's possible you could be such a person now. Communicative misunderstandings can occur, and the main cause of these could be your inclination to react too sensitively or defensively to what's said to you. This can also cause you to become insular and uncommunicative, which can fuel feelings of doubt, guilt, shame or embarrassment. You could feel more confused than confident when conveying or expressing thoughts, feelings or ideas. Fortunately, there's probably nothing wrong with what you intend to say. The main problem exists in you misinterpreting what someone else is saying. Boosting your listening abilities and trust levels can create a much more harmonious, two-way link.

Saturday 12th November

Say it and say it confidently

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Ascendant from 12th to 14th November 2022. Exact 13th November

We tend to be very 'tuned in' to people who have a great deal to say but who don't appear to be able to back up what they're saying. Such people tend to simply regurgitate what they've been told and have never chosen to question the validity or relevance to what they're telling others.

However, some people appear to possess 'gift of the gab' and make sense when they speak. You can elevate your status in the eyes of certain people – or a certain person in particular – by speaking confidently and knowledgeably now.

You have something interesting and relevant to say. Don't feel otherwise.

Sunday 13th November

The answer needs to come from the heart

Transiting Mercury Conjuncts your natal Uranus from 13th to 15th November 2022. Exact 14th November

Computers will always do as they're told. They can't think for themselves, even if it appears they can. Any decisions they make on our behalf are made according to a program. If 'X' occurs, then the computer knows to implement 'Y.'

With that in mind, consider certain conclusions you're reaching now. Are they being made in such a cold and calculated way? There's nothing wrong will applying logic to what needs sorting now.

However, logic needs to be mixed with what your heart is telling you and therein lies the reason for potential conflict. Your heart needs to play a bigger part in a decision you're making now.

Allow it more room to do so and the balance between what it is saying and what logic is saying will be restored. In your personal life now, that's precisely the balance that you need.

Wednesday 16th November

You'll Need a Co-pilot

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal North Node from 16th to 18th November 2022. Exact 18th November

You understand, possibly better than most people, that what the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve. However, plans that fall outside the sphere of your emotional world tend to go to plan more frequently than any those that are romantic. Love incorporates a very different kind of magic and can derail some goals and plans at times. Fortunately, you're determined to ensure this doesn't happen and one way to ensure your love life integrates with other aspirations is to have a loved one or partner accompany you on your ambitious journey. Embracing the spirit of teamwork and discussing your dreams with someone close can result in exciting ideas created together for the future.

Also on Wednesday

Sexy Meeting of Minds

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal South Node from 16th to 18th November 2022. Exact 18th November

A healthy understanding of your past provides a solid foundation upon which to build your future. Your keenness to talk openly with a loved one or potential partner about how past events helped shape the person you are today is likely to be done with a view to improving yourself further. You understand the importance of constant, open dialogue in relationships and how it not only helps partners to understand each other but also provides a foundation of trust. You could be particularly keen at this time to encourage more of a 'quid pro quo' arrangement with a certain person regarding the sharing of ideas, thoughts, feelings, and desires. In other words, you're willing to be completely open with them provided they are equally open with you. This can do much to strengthen the intellectual connection between you and a certain person now. You could be reminded of how sexy a meeting of minds can be.

Friday 18th November

A way with words

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Moon from 18th to 20th November 2022. Exact 20th November

When can you last recall words flowing freely to the point where you surprised yourself with how easily you said them? When can you last recall speaking from your heart and revealing effortlessly what you felt? You should find making your point or conveying your feelings, at least with words, considerably easier now.

If there's something you've wanted to say to a certain person in any way, then if you're willing to make an effort to do so now, you're likely to find that words and emotions flow.

Saturday 19th November

Let your inner voice enthuse you

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Saturn from 19th to 21st November 2022. Exact 20th November

Sometimes, for an easier life, we can be a bit too quick to simply agree with someone else because we don't believe we have the energy, inclination or ability to disagree with them. Because enthusiasm can be infectious, we sometimes believe it to be easier to latch on to someone else's enthusiasm for something rather than find our own reasons for being fired up about pursuing something.

Before you allow yourself to be influenced by someone's enthusiasm for a plan or arrangement, consider what your inner voice is telling you.

You don't need to follow in ways you believe you must. You can take the lead and are right to trust your own judgment about something. Take a moment to step back and make a decision on your own without pressure coming from you-know-who.

Also on Saturday

Embracing the 'feel good factor'

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Mercury from 19th to 21st November 2022. Exact 20th November

What would make you happier? Everyone has a list of sorts that contains what would make us feel more comfortable or at ease with life. Would more money be on your list? What about an improvement in your personal and emotional or romantic life?

It seems that good news is winging its way to you that is bound to bring more than just a smile on your face. To receive it, all you must do is show some effort to embrace it. Where your relationships are concerned, your newly-found 'feel good factor' might be infectious!

Sunday 20th November

You can't fail to impress now

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Jupiter from 20th to 21st November 2022. Exact 21st November

Experienced magicians can impress others because of countless hours of practicing. The same can be said about musicians. To do something impressive usually takes considerable time to perfect. How frustrating it must be for them when some people overlook how much time and effort has been invested to perfect their talent or skill.

In your relationship world now, you can not only make something wonderful happen but can also impress more than one person with how you do it. You're about to make a decision that alters an unsatisfactory situation beyond recognition. The process though is not as instant as it may appear.

You've had to go through an intense trial and error period, but now that you have perfected, in your mind, a way forward, you cannot fail to impress others - including yourself!

Wednesday 23th November

Give it your all

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Sun from 23rd to 25th November 2022. Exact 24th November

Sometimes, we view mistakes as something to be avoided at all costs. We go out of our way to ensure they don't happen because we see them as the ultimate setback. However, we should see mistakes as essential steps in a learning process and stepping stones to progress we yearn to make.

The progress you yearn to make now within your relationship world is important to you. It deserves respect you're keen to give it and also deserves the success you want to achieve. Whether or not you achieve either or both depends entirely on how seriously you want either or both.

Aim at nothing, and you're guaranteed to hit it. Give what matters most to you time, attention and effort, and you stand to be both amazed and delighted by what you achieve.

Also on Wednesday

Gentle persuasion is key

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal MidHeaven from 23rd to 25th November 2022. Exact 24th November

There have been many popular songs that have focused on difference of opinion. One person says or believes one thing. Another person says or believes something else. Interestingly, such songs have only highlighted the problem without proposing a solution.

Where you and a certain person in your relationship world are potentially locking horns now, might this be due to a clash of opinion? The key to resolving this lies with continued and open communication. You're both closer to reaching a compromise than you believe.

It's fine, natural and acceptable for someone to adopt a contrary position but if success you want to see happen relies on them supporting your ideas or proposals, then with gentle persuasion and reiterating benefits to them of what you're proposing, you can achieve it.

Thursday 24th November

Life and money

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Venus from 24th to 26th November 2022. Exact 25th November

A relationship needs to be redefined now, but you might be surprised at what relationship you're expected to redefine. It is your relationship with life that needs to be assessed.

It is also your relationship with bits of paper and metal we use to purchase things with that needs new perspective put upon it. What is it you're expected to do? Well, that's easy. All you need to do where life and money are concerned is not take either so seriously.

That's not to say you don't have issues surrounding both that do need addressing. You're being encouraged to address what cannot be ignored – but you're also being encouraged to accept that, one action has been taken, worrying is an exercise in futility.

Face what needs facing. Sort what needs sorting, and life will undoubtedly become noticeably sweeter and less tense.

Tuesday 29th November

Right here, right now is what matters

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Pluto from 29th November 2022 to 1st December 2022. Exact 1st December

There is much to be said about adopting a 'right here, right now' attitude now. As keen as you might be to ensure something is put in place now that will facilitate a much happier and brighter tomorrow, it is what's happening here and now, particularly where your relationship world is concerned, that needs the most attention.

Don't succumb to the need to hasten a process that is unfolding in its own way and time. Despite how results and progress you wish were more encouraging or visible appear somewhere in the far-off distance, it's important you trust that you are in the throes of a very positive and transformative process. Soon, your current situation will appear vastly different.

That, however, is going to be the result of the process working on your behalf that cannot be rushed. Focus instead on here and now in the knowledge that change you yearn for is coming, and very soon.

Wednesday 30th November

Reviewing the situation

Transiting Mercury Conjuncts your natal Neptune from 30th November 2022 to 2nd December 2022. Exact 1st December

There's a saying about trying and trying again, if, at first, we don't succeed. There's another related saying that involves taking time to read instructions.

Trying and trying again is fine and can bring the desired result, but if we're struggling, does it not make sense to stop and assess where we're going wrong? Perhaps, much depends on how badly we really want to make something happen

It's time to consider how and why a dream or fantasy close to your heart doesn't seem any closer to manifesting despite your efforts. It's also time to consider if what you're pursuing is being done more out of habit than real, burning desire to achieve or attain it.

What was a priority once upon a time might not be as important to you now. Pursuing it might be done more out of determination or stubbornness than from within your heart.

This is a time of reassessment and reflection, but the process promises to be helpful, valuable, enlightening and eventually reassuring.

Forecast for December 2022

Friday 2nd December


Service with a Smile

Mercury transits your natal 6th house from 2nd December 2022 to 7th February 2023

If anyone wants to learn to master the art of multi-tasking or juggling tasks and chores impressively, then they could learn much from you at this time. Your thought processes could be far more advanced than others when it comes to identifying the most logical way of completing something or devising clever methodologies. Mental stimulation or learning are cures for boredom that comes from day-to-day routines. However, you could be inclined to put others' needs above your own, and this unselfish quality is unlikely to go unnoticed or unappreciated by others, or one person in particular.

Thursday 8th December

Posing questions in measured doses

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Moon from 8th to 10th December 2022. Exact 9th December

If you're aware of a distinct feeling of confusion, then welcome it. It is uncertainty you're feeling that is likely to encourage you to question one or two areas or aspects of your world that could do with being questioned. Be careful though, of how much time and effort you give toward questioning whatever – or whoever – it is.

You could be at risk of making a bigger issue out of something than is justified. To you, an issue is big. To someone else, it's likely to be less important, so by all means, ask questions to get to the bottom of a certain matter, but be alert to when might be a good time to stop.

Friday 9th December

Seeing a situation as it really is

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Jupiter from 9th to 11th December 2022. Exact 11th December

If you're not seeing eye-to-eye with a certain person or are aware that tension is escalating between you and someone else, then coming developments are going to do much to help.

That doesn't necessarily mean that such help won't bring with it further tension because a certain situation might need to worsen slightly before it can be improved. Think of the saying about the need to break eggs sometimes!

There appears to be uncertainty between you and someone else about an arrangement and where this goes from here. You are not as trapped as you might believe you are though.

If you're willing to make progress and improve an arrangement that may no longer be valid and in need of updating, then a superb opportunity exists to do so now. The key to achieving this lies with you not seeing an issue as being bigger or more daunting than it really is.

Also on Friday

The answer is in the past

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Saturn from 9th to 11th December 2022. Exact 10th December

What makes someone an 'expert' at something? Is it the authoritative way in which they speak? Is it because their appearance reassures us that they know what they're talking about? If they tell themselves something enough times, then they start believing it.

If we're told something enough times, then we start believing it, too – especially if what's being told to us is being told BY us! What matters now is your ability to draw a conclusion based on personal, previous experience – not what someone else is trying to convince you of.

Something from your past needs revisiting and re-examining now. To make a very positive change, all you need to do is accept that there is something you don't know or know enough about.

Whatever happened previously will help you identify this and, once you identify it, you will begin to ask questions about something from your past that has confused you that will then lead to a very valuable discovery.

Tuesday 13th December

Repetition is not necessary

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal MidHeaven from 13th to 15th December 2022. Exact 15th December

Some television commercials can be extremely annoying. Companies who make commercials and those whose products or services they represent are unconcerned about this.

As far as they're concerned, they have a valid point to make and will make as often as they see fit until they're reassured an advertising campaign has been successful or budgets have run out.

They often fail to understand that their incessant intrusion does little more than discourage many of us from buying their products or services. Bear this in mind with a point you want to make now.

You might believe making a point repeatedly will result in the person or people you wish to influence succumbing, but this plan can backfire if you're not careful. You'll gain much support if you make your point sensibly, succinctly and sensitively.

December 13th 2022 onwards to January 4th 2023

Only fools rush in

Transiting Saturn Trines your natal Pluto

Fools, we understand, tend to 'rush in.' Sometimes, there's something exciting about pushing aside caution and 'leaping into the unknown.'

Impulsiveness often comes at a price. We end up having to retrace our steps to do whatever-it-was properly. In an area of your personal world, endurance and persistence is required.

Bringing about the change you want and need to see will require concentration, hard work, careful planning and steady action. There could be perceived benefits to change happening quickly, but life tends to bring us down to Earth with a bump all too frequently with a very clear message: all positive change is gradual.

You're in a superb position to bring about significant, long-term transformation where you want it. All you need to do is set about achieving it is to take a calculated risk that allows for a realistic timescale.

Also on Tuesday

Stand back and smile

Transiting Mercury Opposes your natal Mars from 13th to 15th December 2022. Exact 14th December

Tense situations tend to escalate. They do so if we don't want them to. They certainly do so if we encourage them to. Somewhere in your world, an intense debate is either brewing or happening. In same way various animals lock horns, it appears you and a certain person are doing similar. There is a way you can seriously reduce or eliminate altogether the amount of stress involved in this scenario.

The key to doing so surrounds your determination to retain control over something you really ought to be less concerned about. Rather than invest time in waiting for an ideal outcome to present itself and invest even more time and energy into a heated discussion, stand back and smile.

This drama won't last long, and you can be instrumental in it having a happy ending.

Wednesday 14th December

Applying ingenuity can bring something magical

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Venus from 14th to 16th December 2022. Exact 15th December

Does the word 'genius' get used more today than at other times throughout history? Think about how fantastic inventions were many years ago that have become accepted and taken for granted today.

Surely, something created by someone else that stands the test of time through acceptance by so many people is worthy of the accolade 'genius'? It is how you are likely to apply ingenuity now that put you in a wonderfully strong position.

It seems that comfort is winging its way to you and most likely in a material or financial sense. But real, long-lasting comfort is likely to come from you devising a clever plan and pursuing a wonderful idea and doing either or both will, undoubtedly, enhance your relationship with someone else, or present you with one that could arguably be heaven sent.

December 19th 2022 onwards to January 9th 2023

Dispelling uncertainty

Transiting Saturn Sextiles your natal Neptune

Sherlock Holmes was a fictional character but his immortal line 'when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth' is very relevant to you now.

For some time in an area of your personal world, you've been grappling with a complicated situation or arrangement. It has been much easier to focus on the complexity surrounding it than it has been to give the necessary attention to a solution.

Expect evidence soon if you do not see it already of how this confusing scenario is becoming clearer. This has as much to do with the passage of time as it does your ability to finally make sense of what has been so uncertain.

The discovery you're about to make or revelation you're about to experience has huge implications for the future. With clarity replacing uncertainty, you'll be embarking upon a new journey and with stronger and permanent foundations in place.

Wednesday 21st December

Removing the window dressing

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Pluto from 21st to 24th December 2022. Exact 23rd December

Beauty, we know, is skin deep. However, particularly in society today, such emphasis is put on making what we see so appealing. In the same way we know we shouldn't judge books by covers, you may be placing too much emphasis on a quality or factor which is not as valuable or as relevant as it seems.

If you want to achieve or attain something that is truly and deeply satisfying, then you need to care less about something that doesn't deserve the levels of attention you appear keen to give it.

To bring about a much-needed change in this respect, a tense or potentially difficult conversation needs to be had. You might even discover you possess the courage to say a few things you've been afraid to say or chose, for reasons known best to yourself, to keep hidden.

Provided you're willing to see an unsatisfactory or disguised situation for what it is, be resolute toward improving it in whatever way you deem fit and say what you know needs to be said from the depths of your heart, then you can be assured you will have nothing whatsoever to be apologetic or regretful about.

Thursday 22nd December

Crystal Clarity

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Chiron from 22nd to 26th December 2022. Exact 24th December

Your sensitivity could be heightened noticeably at this time and integral to encouraging others, or one person, in particular, to speak openly with you. Your listening skills are finely tuned which could also make you a trusted confidante for someone close, and you could find the right words flow effortlessly to bring comfort or healing to them. You're able to strip away anything superfluous with your communication and convey yourself with crystal clarity. If you sense a need to open up or seek comfort or healing yourself from a loved one or partner, then you could find that adopting a more open and flexible mind toward any suppressed issue helps you see it in a more realistic perspective. This can make it easier for the object of your affections to view your issue objectively.

December 22nd 2022 onwards to January 11th 2023

Happier Inside

Transiting Saturn Squares your natal Chiron

You could be a creature of habit in many areas of your world, and your love life and relationships aren't exempt from this. However, you can benefit from stepping back to assess how and why you react and respond to others in ways you do. The conclusion you arrive at could reveal that your reactions and responses are more habitual than based on anything deeply emotional. You might also discover that you view commitments as demanding or full of too many expectations from others. However, by feeling happier within yourself, you'll become more receptive and accommodating toward what others need and expect from you. Feeling more content inside starts with releasing attitudes that only hold you back from experiencing the warmth on offer from close, loving connections. It might be time to remove a defensive barrier.

Sunday 25th December

Avoiding carelessness

Transiting Mercury Opposes your natal Ascendant from 25th December 2022 to 1st January 2023. Exact 29th December

Many forms of communication technology have something called 'spell checkers' installed. The fact that many of us receive messages and correspondence that clearly should have been spell checked before sending indicates this facility isn't used as often as it should be. Then, there is the tiny issue surrounding pressing a button to send a message that really ought not to have been sent or received by a particular recipient.

You can save yourself considerable frustration and potential embarrassment by ensuring whatever you're communicating has been thought through properly or checked thoroughly. You might not get a second chance to make a first impression.

Saturday 31st December


Crystal Clarity

Transiting Mercury Retrograde Trines your natal Chiron from 31st December 2022 to 3rd January 2023. Exact 2nd January 2023

Your sensitivity could be heightened noticeably at this time and integral to encouraging others, or one person, in particular, to speak openly with you. Your listening skills are finely tuned which could also make you a trusted confidante for someone close, and you could find the right words flow effortlessly to bring comfort or healing to them. You're able to strip away anything superfluous with your communication and convey yourself with crystal clarity. If you sense a need to open up or seek comfort or healing yourself from a loved one or partner, then you could find that adopting a more open and flexible mind toward any suppressed issue helps you see it in a more realistic perspective. This can make it easier for the object of your affections to view your issue objectively.

Forecast for January 2023

Sunday 1st January


Removing the window dressing

Transiting Mercury Retrograde Squares your natal Pluto from 1st to 4th January 2023. Exact 3rd January

Beauty, we know, is skin deep. However, particularly in society today, such emphasis is put on making what we see so appealing. In the same way we know we shouldn't judge books by covers, you may be placing too much emphasis on a quality or factor which is not as valuable or as relevant as it seems.

If you want to achieve or attain something that is truly and deeply satisfying, then you need to care less about something that doesn't deserve the levels of attention you appear keen to give it.

To bring about a much-needed change in this respect, a tense or potentially difficult conversation needs to be had. You might even discover you possess the courage to say a few things you've been afraid to say or chose, for reasons known best to yourself, to keep hidden.

Provided you're willing to see an unsatisfactory or disguised situation for what it is, be resolute toward improving it in whatever way you deem fit and say what you know needs to be said from the depths of your heart, then you can be assured you will have nothing whatsoever to be apologetic or regretful about.

Sunday 8th January


Applying ingenuity can bring something magical

Transiting Mercury Retrograde Trines your natal Venus from 8th to 10th January 2023. Exact 10th January

Does the word 'genius' get used more today than at other times throughout history? Think about how fantastic inventions were many years ago that have become accepted and taken for granted today.

Surely, something created by someone else that stands the test of time through acceptance by so many people is worthy of the accolade 'genius'? It is how you are likely to apply ingenuity now that put you in a wonderfully strong position.

It seems that comfort is winging its way to you and most likely in a material or financial sense. But real, long-lasting comfort is likely to come from you devising a clever plan and pursuing a wonderful idea and doing either or both will, undoubtedly, enhance your relationship with someone else, or present you with one that could arguably be heaven sent.

Monday 9th January


Repetition is not necessary

Transiting Mercury Retrograde Squares your natal MidHeaven from 9th to 11th January 2023. Exact 10th January

Some television commercials can be extremely annoying. Companies who make commercials and those whose products or services they represent are unconcerned about this.

As far as they're concerned, they have a valid point to make and will make as often as they see fit until they're reassured an advertising campaign has been successful or budgets have run out.

They often fail to understand that their incessant intrusion does little more than discourage many of us from buying their products or services. Bear this in mind with a point you want to make now.

You might believe making a point repeatedly will result in the person or people you wish to influence succumbing, but this plan can backfire if you're not careful. You'll gain much support if you make your point sensibly, succinctly and sensitively.

Tuesday 10th January


Stand back and smile

Transiting Mercury Retrograde Opposes your natal Mars from 10th to 12th January 2023. Exact 11th January

Tense situations tend to escalate. They do so if we don't want them to. They certainly do so if we encourage them to. Somewhere in your world, an intense debate is either brewing or happening. In same way various animals lock horns, it appears you and a certain person are doing similar. There is a way you can seriously reduce or eliminate altogether the amount of stress involved in this scenario.

The key to doing so surrounds your determination to retain control over something you really ought to be less concerned about. Rather than invest time in waiting for an ideal outcome to present itself and invest even more time and energy into a heated discussion, stand back and smile.

This drama won't last long, and you can be instrumental in it having a happy ending.

Monday 23th January

Stand back and smile

Transiting Mercury Opposes your natal Mars from 23rd to 27th January 2023. Exact 25th January

Tense situations tend to escalate. They do so if we don't want them to. They certainly do so if we encourage them to. Somewhere in your world, an intense debate is either brewing or happening. In same way various animals lock horns, it appears you and a certain person are doing similar. There is a way you can seriously reduce or eliminate altogether the amount of stress involved in this scenario.

The key to doing so surrounds your determination to retain control over something you really ought to be less concerned about. Rather than invest time in waiting for an ideal outcome to present itself and invest even more time and energy into a heated discussion, stand back and smile.

This drama won't last long, and you can be instrumental in it having a happy ending.

Tuesday 24th January

Repetition is not necessary

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal MidHeaven from 24th to 27th January 2023. Exact 26th January

Some television commercials can be extremely annoying. Companies who make commercials and those whose products or services they represent are unconcerned about this.

As far as they're concerned, they have a valid point to make and will make as often as they see fit until they're reassured an advertising campaign has been successful or budgets have run out.

They often fail to understand that their incessant intrusion does little more than discourage many of us from buying their products or services. Bear this in mind with a point you want to make now.

You might believe making a point repeatedly will result in the person or people you wish to influence succumbing, but this plan can backfire if you're not careful. You'll gain much support if you make your point sensibly, succinctly and sensitively.

January 24th 2023 onwards to February 10th 2023

Making necessary space

Transiting Saturn Squares your natal Uranus

Nature, we know, abhors vacuums. Where space gets created, nature is usually intent on filling it.

That's why we shouldn't fear or be resentful toward what gets removed from our respective worlds. Often, it happens to make space for something – or someone – better or more appropriate.

In your personal world, conflict exists between what is 'old' and 'new'. You could be clinging to an outdated idea, attitude or person and if you're not already experiencing a need to make one or two difficult decisions, then you're likely to shortly.

Whilst in the throes of this unstable period, all you need to do is apply patience and be flexible. Accept the need for change and reasons behind anything or anyone you become distanced or separated from.

Thursday 26th January

Applying ingenuity can bring something magical

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Venus from 26th to 28th January 2023. Exact 27th January

Does the word 'genius' get used more today than at other times throughout history? Think about how fantastic inventions were many years ago that have become accepted and taken for granted today.

Surely, something created by someone else that stands the test of time through acceptance by so many people is worthy of the accolade 'genius'? It is how you are likely to apply ingenuity now that put you in a wonderfully strong position.

It seems that comfort is winging its way to you and most likely in a material or financial sense. But real, long-lasting comfort is likely to come from you devising a clever plan and pursuing a wonderful idea and doing either or both will, undoubtedly, enhance your relationship with someone else, or present you with one that could arguably be heaven sent.

Forecast for February 2023

Friday 3rd February

Removing the window dressing

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Pluto from 3rd to 5th February 2023. Exact 4th February

Beauty, we know, is skin deep. However, particularly in society today, such emphasis is put on making what we see so appealing. In the same way we know we shouldn't judge books by covers, you may be placing too much emphasis on a quality or factor which is not as valuable or as relevant as it seems.

If you want to achieve or attain something that is truly and deeply satisfying, then you need to care less about something that doesn't deserve the levels of attention you appear keen to give it.

To bring about a much-needed change in this respect, a tense or potentially difficult conversation needs to be had. You might even discover you possess the courage to say a few things you've been afraid to say or chose, for reasons known best to yourself, to keep hidden.

Provided you're willing to see an unsatisfactory or disguised situation for what it is, be resolute toward improving it in whatever way you deem fit and say what you know needs to be said from the depths of your heart, then you can be assured you will have nothing whatsoever to be apologetic or regretful about.

Saturday 4th February

Crystal Clarity

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Chiron from 4th to 6th February 2023. Exact 5th February

Your sensitivity could be heightened noticeably at this time and integral to encouraging others, or one person, in particular, to speak openly with you. Your listening skills are finely tuned which could also make you a trusted confidante for someone close, and you could find the right words flow effortlessly to bring comfort or healing to them. You're able to strip away anything superfluous with your communication and convey yourself with crystal clarity. If you sense a need to open up or seek comfort or healing yourself from a loved one or partner, then you could find that adopting a more open and flexible mind toward any suppressed issue helps you see it in a more realistic perspective. This can make it easier for the object of your affections to view your issue objectively.

Sunday 5th February

Avoiding carelessness

Transiting Mercury Opposes your natal Ascendant from 5th to 7th February 2023. Exact 7th February

Many forms of communication technology have something called 'spell checkers' installed. The fact that many of us receive messages and correspondence that clearly should have been spell checked before sending indicates this facility isn't used as often as it should be. Then, there is the tiny issue surrounding pressing a button to send a message that really ought not to have been sent or received by a particular recipient.

You can save yourself considerable frustration and potential embarrassment by ensuring whatever you're communicating has been thought through properly or checked thoroughly. You might not get a second chance to make a first impression.

Monday 6th February

It's 'here and now' that matters

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Uranus from 6th to 8th February 2023. Exact 8th February

Grass often appears greener on the other side of fences. Much often appears preferable in another place – or time! Is there something you wish you could turn the clock back now to do differently than you did way back when? In the same way it is unhelpful to be pondering the past, and what you could have done differently, it is equally unhelpful to be in too much of a rush to alter the future.

It is what's happening here, and now that needs your attention and deserves to be enjoyed and celebrated, despite how a situation may appear.

You're on the brink of a very valuable and helpful discovery where your relationship world or with a certain person is concerned. Let what's unfolding continue to do so in the knowledge that you will soon have something to be very glad of.

Tuesday 7th February


Sharing Ideas

Mercury transits your natal 7th house from 7th to 22nd February 2023

Even if you don't normally struggle with finding new and interesting ways to stimulate your mind, you could feel a partner offers the most helpful ways to keep your mind occupied. However, you're embracing the true spirit of partnership by encouraging the shared creation of ideas and bouncing them off each other until you and they come up with a definitive solution or approach. You're keen to experience a two-way exchange of ideas and observations. It's also possible others - or a potential partner - won't be able to predict what you'll say next, but that's a quality that keeps things interesting, exciting and boosts your attractiveness immensely!

Friday 10th February

New Experiences Beckon

Transiting Mercury Opposes your natal North Node from 10th to 13th February 2023. Exact 12th February

You could be inclined to resist change in your emotional world at this time, perhaps in the belief that all is hunky dory as it is. You understandably believe that if you're happy, then there's no point in introducing change for the sake of it. However, it's important to remember that life involves growth and you owe it to yourself to try to move forward and learn new lessons as they arise. This might explain why you're aware of certain old patterns repeating themselves that you know, in your heart, require you to be more proactive and break new emotional ground instead of remaining in a deep comfort zone. Expect to be enlightened about how you've closed yourself off to new experiences and why you should treat them with a more open mind. Some promise to be thrilling and delightfully heartwarming. You'll see.

Also on Friday

Releasing Rigid Expectations

Transiting Mercury Conjuncts your natal South Node from 10th to 13th February 2023. Exact 12th February

Casting your mind back to previous relationships could reveal a certain pattern regarding the type of person you've been drawn to in the past. This has been likely due to you having a certain way of relating to others, especially in a relationship or intimate sense. Your keenness to connect with those whom you're intellectually matched could have been helpful in the past. Despite being aware of how this strict requirement restricts or prohibits you from experiencing delightful and heartwarming encounters now and in the future, you could choose to remain in a protective comfort zone. This is a time to question – honestly – how content you are by adhering to these rigid expectations and if your current romantic or relationship circumstances are going to get you to where your heart truly wants to be. It's time to be honest with yourself about the need for change and growth – and your emotional world or love life is a very good place to start.

Monday 13th February

Face what needs to be faced

Transiting Mercury Opposes your natal Mercury from 13th to 15th February 2023. Exact 15th February

Truth, we are told, tends to 'stare us in the face.' We know it does this and sometimes choose to ignore it or pretend we can't see what it's doing. In your relationship world now, there is something truthful that you shouldn't be ignoring.

It requires you to face it – and to know whether it is wise to walk away from a source of antagonism. Facing a certain fact needn't be confrontational because the fact isn't likely to be as 'big' as you or someone else insists it is.

Face what needs to be faced and accept it. Once done, you'll be in a much better place to decide where you go from there.

Also on Monday

A valuable discovery

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Saturn from 13th to 15th February 2023. Exact 15th February

You feel much more positive than you have of late. It is though, a case of striking while the proverbial iron is hot.

There is something you need to learn about yourself and, through doing so and learning something valuable, you will be in an excellent position to move a plan forward that involves a project – or person – close to your heart.

Prepare to see evidence of how loved and respected you are in the eyes of certain people and one person in particular. It's time to address something you've chosen to ignore and once you take a brave step forward, life will, in many ways, become noticeably easier and sweeter.

Also on Monday

Communication is key

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Moon from 13th to 15th February 2023. Exact 14th February

We're all blessed with instincts. We use them from time to time and, when we do, find that they provide us with interesting and, at times, valuable insight. If you're willing to use yours now, then you stand to gain insight into a situation that you may feel you're kidding yourself about.

You're not deceiving yourself, and your assessment of a situation and someone's involvement with it (or their motivation) is likely to be accurate. You and a certain person need to have an exchange of sorts, and this is likely to involve a tense and possibly emotional conversation.

But even if verbal dialogue isn't forthcoming, there is much you're able to learn now through subtle signs and signals. Provided you're willing to be open and share tactfully and sensitively what you can share, then someone else is likely to do the same.

Tuesday 14th February

Happily ever after

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Jupiter from 14th to 16th February 2023. Exact 15th February

Most leading fairy tale characters tend to live 'happily ever after.' Whether or not they did is something we will never know. All that we know is, one chapter in their respective worlds ended and another began and, in your world now, something awkward or tense has ended, and something better is beginning.

If you're not already seeing evidence that life is becoming sweeter, noticeably more sensible and logical, then you will soon enough. This can only have a very positive knock-on effect to your relationships and with one person in particular.

Positive and encouraging news is on its way to you, and this should help you to strike a deal or implement an arrangement of agreement that has needed discussion for some time. All you need to do is be receptive to making the positive change.

Saturday 18th February

Sharing has its benefits

Transiting Mercury Opposes your natal Sun from 18th to 20th February 2023. Exact 19th February

When we share anything, we involve others. What was uniquely ours can sometimes become someone else's, simply through our act of making it available to them. However, a need exists now for you to share something in your world and allow someone to benefit in some way from your doing so.

Rather than nurture resentment, look for the benefits that exist from someone else involving themselves with what you're making available to them. It seems that there are benefits to you although you might have to look a bit harder to see them.

As long as you remain firm, fair and committed to a plan, then there's no reason why someone else can't play a part in helping to make it happen.

Also on Saturday

It's in your best interests to ensure you're understood now

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal MidHeaven from 18th to 20th February 2023. Exact 19th February

Back in medieval times, kings and queens had Court Jesters, individuals whose role involved entertaining the king, queen and all directly associated with them. It was in Jesters' best interests to ensure the king or queen laughed when they were supposed to. Otherwise, Jesters often met with an untimely end.

Think though, what might have happened if one poor Jester was sent to his death and the king or queen fell about laughing having 'got' a joke after it was too late? It's important that you make no assumption now about anyone understanding a point you're trying to convey.

Don't take the fact that they're nodding as acceptance or understanding. It seems there is a need for you to take time to ensure you're not being misunderstood. Take time to ensure you are.

Wednesday 22nd February


Fearless and Mysterious

Mercury transits your natal 8th house from 22nd February 2023 to 9th March 2023

Be aware of how your words carry considerable clout at this time. Your powerful self-expression can affect others profoundly, and you might wonder why people react so sensitively to what you say or convey. You know you're only stating the truth, but the truth can be hurtful at times, both intentionally and unintentionally. You curiosity surrounding what motivates others could be heightened, and you could have no issue with raising topics that head into mysterious, taboo, secretive, or psychological territory. Your ability to speak authoritatively is enhanced, but your strong persuasive powers should be used carefully at this time. It might be your fearless but mysterious qualities that someone finds particularly alluring!

Friday 24th February

A valuable discovery is the catalyst to transforming a situation

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Pluto from 24th to 26th February 2023. Exact 25th February

We can be surrounded by many people yet feel alone. Feeling alone can be heightened enormously when we're struggling because support we need from one or two people not being forthcoming. This means you're having to tackle a certain issue singlehandedly and aren't exactly over the moon with having to do so.

The good news is, you are very capable of tackling on your own what needs to be tackled. It is the discovery of a certain piece of information that will boost your confidence.

Once done, you will feel confident enough to face certain issues or individuals you've feared facing. You'll be more inclined to bring out into the open what has been conveniently brushed under a proverbial carpet.

This new-found confidence, combined with real desire to bring about a significant change to a certain situation, will result in very positive and necessary transformation where you have long wanted to see it.

Also on Friday

Reviving a dream

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Neptune from 24th to 26th February 2023. Exact 26th February

Dreams and aspirations never really disappear if we don't achieve or attain them. Sometimes, newer ones take their place. Eventually, we discover that what mattered to us a long time ago remains important and become aware that we ought to give what once mattered our time and attention once again.

In your relationship world, something or someone that once mattered greatly to you is becoming a priority again in some way. An opportunity to focus once again on what - or whom - has never left the realms of your mind and heart is about to present itself.

Also on Friday

Making Amends

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Chiron from 24th to 26th February 2023. Exact 26th February

We know how communication between our brain and mouth can break down sometimes. We can be surprised or shocked to discover that what emerges from our mouth can be far removed from what our brain agreed would be said. We can also be surprised or shocked at how hurtful our words can be. We know when we've hit the emotional bullseye with our intention to wound someone verbally. Even if we want them to know how proud we are to have done so, our conscience soon makes clear how wrong we were to inflict such pain deliberately. If you know someone deserves an apology for hurtful words you said in the past, it's not too late to make amends. Consider how you'll feel if you do.

Monday 27th February

You can fix what needs fixing

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Uranus from 27th to 28th February 2023. Exact 28th February

For us to 'fix' something, we need to identify in what way or ways it is broken. In the same way a doctor cannot give a diagnosis or prescription without being clear what remedy is needed, we can only fix what needs fixing if we understand what needs fixing and why.

In your relationship world, a drama is unfolding. It is through knowing how a certain situation can be adjusted or rearranged that offers the greatest and most effective way to improve it.

Ignore the desire to be somewhere else. Removing yourself is not an option or solution. The solution surrounds more meaning or depth given to a tired situation, and that's precisely what you can bring.

Have faith in the fact that you can make a situation better and time is on your side to achieve this.

Forecast for March 2023

Tuesday 7th March

Leave aggression on the doorstep

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Mars from 7th to 9th March 2023. Exact 9th March

How we choose to convey ourselves or make a point is often dictated by our mood or attitude at the time. If we're feeling resentful, aggrieved or angry, then we sometimes use a proverbial sledgehammer to crack a proverbial walnut when a much simpler and less confrontational way would have been best.

It's important you bear that in mind now. Your impatience to make a certain point might be underpinned with more aggression than you intend. Be diplomatic and ensure sensitivity plays a big part in whatever it is you feel the need to say to a certain person now.

Wednesday 8th March

What's truly valuable…

Transiting Mercury Opposes your natal Venus from 8th to 10th March 2023. Exact 10th March

We know how money can facilitate the pursuit of many opportunities. We know how much so much in our world is 'worth.' Let's push aside material 'worth' though and look at something much more valuable.

What do you believe yourself to be worth? If you're not already seeing how much you matter to a certain person or others, then coming events will do much to reassure you. On top of that, you're about to be reminded of how much you matter to yourself.

You are priceless, and you are precious. If you need reminding of that too, then a reminder is coming.

Thursday 9th March


Sporadic Thought Processes

Mercury transits your natal 9th house from 9th to 25th March 2023

Doing anything to avoid boredom could be a priority now. You might be prone to taking on too much at this time, but a workload overload might feel necessary to keep things interesting and boredom at bay. This could be a time when you flit from one idea to another, especially if a more appealing or inspiring one presents itself. A loved one or potential partner trying to keep up with your sporadic thought processes might need to prepare for this!

Monday 13th March

Stick with the plan and keep with the program

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Neptune from 13th to 15th March 2023. Exact 14th March

If something's too good to be true, then we usually have at least one very good reason to doubt it. When something becomes available to us instantly or with little or no effort on our part, we first experience delight that gets replaced with suspicion.

Be wary now of such a situation presenting itself to you now and this probably surrounds a certain person in your world being economical with the truth.

Something in your world doesn't need 'fixing' in the way you're being led to believe, and neither does it need the level of complication that will undoubtedly arise though believing what you're being told now.

Stay focused on what you know works, makes you happy and is safe. Don't deviate from a plan just because a seemingly more attractive option is making itself available.

Also on Monday

New Levels of Depth and Clarity

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Chiron from 13th to 15th March 2023. Exact 15th March

We often hear what people say but truly understanding what they mean is something we can struggle with. Even if someone goes to great lengths to convey themselves calmly and clearly, miscommunication can arise if we focus only on what we want to hear. You have an excellent chance now to open lines of communication with others, or one special person in particular. Your heightened sensitivity makes you more willing to listen. It also helps you to convey yourself with new levels of depth and clarity. By harnessing sensitivity, you can not only choose your words carefully but can also intuitively express the meaning and intention behind them. You could be surprised at how this can strengthen – or, where necessary, heal – your closest relationships.

Tuesday 14th March

Say it and say it confidently

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Ascendant from 14th to 16th March 2023. Exact 16th March

We tend to be very 'tuned in' to people who have a great deal to say but who don't appear to be able to back up what they're saying. Such people tend to simply regurgitate what they've been told and have never chosen to question the validity or relevance to what they're telling others.

However, some people appear to possess 'gift of the gab' and make sense when they speak. You can elevate your status in the eyes of certain people – or a certain person in particular – by speaking confidently and knowledgeably now.

You have something interesting and relevant to say. Don't feel otherwise.

Wednesday 15th March

Think it through

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Uranus from 15th to 17th March 2023. Exact 16th March

Sometimes, we feel inclined to cause a stir or upheaval just to see what happens. We reach a point where we become bored with how predictable or devoid of opportunity a situation appears to have become and decide to shake things up a bit.

That's fine, provided we accept the consequences of doing so - and blame for it should fingers be pointed our direction! If you feel inclined to shake things up a bit in your relationship world, then feel free to do so.

Be aware though that action will always cause a reaction and you will need to accept responsibility for change you instigate. Be sure you want change before you take the action you're considering taking now.

Saturday 18th March

You'll Need a Co-pilot

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal North Node from 18th to 20th March 2023. Exact 19th March

You understand, possibly better than most people, that what the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve. However, plans that fall outside the sphere of your emotional world tend to go to plan more frequently than any those that are romantic. Love incorporates a very different kind of magic and can derail some goals and plans at times. Fortunately, you're determined to ensure this doesn't happen and one way to ensure your love life integrates with other aspirations is to have a loved one or partner accompany you on your ambitious journey. Embracing the spirit of teamwork and discussing your dreams with someone close can result in exciting ideas created together for the future.

Also on Saturday

Sexy Meeting of Minds

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal South Node from 18th to 20th March 2023. Exact 19th March

A healthy understanding of your past provides a solid foundation upon which to build your future. Your keenness to talk openly with a loved one or potential partner about how past events helped shape the person you are today is likely to be done with a view to improving yourself further. You understand the importance of constant, open dialogue in relationships and how it not only helps partners to understand each other but also provides a foundation of trust. You could be particularly keen at this time to encourage more of a 'quid pro quo' arrangement with a certain person regarding the sharing of ideas, thoughts, feelings, and desires. In other words, you're willing to be completely open with them provided they are equally open with you. This can do much to strengthen the intellectual connection between you and a certain person now. You could be reminded of how sexy a meeting of minds can be.

Monday 20th March

Embracing the 'feel good factor'

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Mercury from 20th to 22nd March 2023. Exact 21st March

What would make you happier? Everyone has a list of sorts that contains what would make us feel more comfortable or at ease with life. Would more money be on your list? What about an improvement in your personal and emotional or romantic life?

It seems that good news is winging its way to you that is bound to bring more than just a smile on your face. To receive it, all you must do is show some effort to embrace it. Where your relationships are concerned, your newly-found 'feel good factor' might be infectious!

Also on Monday

The key to the future is held in the past

Transiting Mercury Opposes your natal Saturn from 20th to 22nd March 2023. Exact 21st March

There's no future in archaeology. Archaeologists aren't concerned about the future; it's the past they want to know more about. Neither do archaeologists have any interest in altering history, but they are keen to help with altering the future through what can be learned about the past.

There is a curious link between your past, present, and future now. Something from your past is playing a key role in what is happening to you presently and influencing your attitude toward the future in some way.

You're likely feeling under pressure of sorts and could be inclined to be a bit argumentative with a certain individual.

Also, you may even be inclined to be a bit too quick to bend or even break a rule that you have adhered to for a long time, just to see what the result might be or in the hope it accelerates a plan close to your heart.

Don't be impatient. Look closely at how similar what happened previously is to what is happening now – and how you can truly influence the future based on your knowledge of both.

Also on Monday

Loose lips sink ships

Transiting Mercury Opposes your natal Moon from 20th to 21st March 2023. Exact 21st March

We're told it is better to say nothing and let the world suspect we're a fool than open our mouths and confirm any suspicions. Nobody is implying you are a fool.

However, a risk exists now that, through saying more than you ought to, you are putting yourself in a situation that could leave you red-faced or with a face covered with proverbial egg.

Confusion reigns supreme now, and while you have a valid point to make to you-know-who, you could find your jaw dropping in amazement at how they misinterpret what you're saying. There are times when we must speak up. There are also times when it wisest to say nothing. Now is such a time.

Tuesday 21st March

Keep your Wish List simple

Transiting Mercury Opposes your natal Jupiter from 21st to 22nd March 2023. Exact 22nd March

We're sometimes told to be 'careful what we wish for.' Rarely do any of us make wishes flippantly or without some level of consideration. If we believe something is worth wishing for, then it gets added to the list because we have at least one reason to believe we want it.

In your relationship world now, you are easily influenced but what you're expecting is likely to happen – so expect the best! Don't allow yourself to be influenced negatively.

It is important though that your expectations are reasonable. Don't get carried away with too many ideas about what you want or what might make your world vastly better. Focus on what you know you want, need and why you want and need it. That message alone will help to ensure you attain it.

Thursday 23th March

Is a plan worthy of your efforts?

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Mars from 23rd to 25th March 2023. Exact 24th March

The word 'passion' has several uses and connotations. We also know when the time is right to invest energy in a plan or pursuit and it is the need to give your all to something combined with impatience or urgency that could be boosting passion in some way now.

Ideas, suggestions, and situations could be coming thick and fast now which may not be helping matters. Where your relationship with a certain person is concerned, you're likely to need to show restraint to avoid a confrontation or making an ill-thought-through proposal or suggestion.

Slow down and assess if what you're planning is deserving of energy you're inclined to give it. If it is, then give it your all and don't look back. If you have reservations, then trust they exist for a good reason.

Also on Thursday

Give it your all

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Sun from 23rd to 25th March 2023. Exact 24th March

Sometimes, we view mistakes as something to be avoided at all costs. We go out of our way to ensure they don't happen because we see them as the ultimate setback. However, we should see mistakes as essential steps in a learning process and stepping stones to progress we yearn to make.

The progress you yearn to make now within your relationship world is important to you. It deserves respect you're keen to give it and also deserves the success you want to achieve. Whether or not you achieve either or both depends entirely on how seriously you want either or both.

Aim at nothing, and you're guaranteed to hit it. Give what matters most to you time, attention and effort, and you stand to be both amazed and delighted by what you achieve.

Also on Thursday

No need for trumpets

Transiting Mercury Conjuncts your natal MidHeaven from 23rd to 25th March 2023. Exact 24th March

In medieval times, royal announcements were made with a flourish of trumpets. This not only served to ensure the attention of all royal subjects was received but gave the announcement a certain level of prestige.

The indications are of many eyes being upon you in some way now and willingness on the part of others to hear what you have to say or announce. Trust that you don't need to make a grand entrance or gesture to gain attention now. Say what you want and need to say in the knowledge that your audience is a very receptive one.

Saturday 25th March


Professional Passion

Mercury transits your natal 10th house from 25th March 2023 to 2nd June 2023

You might have noticeably enhanced authoritative qualities now and communicating or negotiating with anyone in authority could be a breeze. However, a sense of restlessness could urge you to keep changing settings or activities to keep your mind stimulated and challenged. You want to bring fresh energy to conversations or possibly within the workplace because you enjoy the stimulation that comes from doing so. You might have no issue with communicating your professional ambitions, and the confidence in which you do so could leave others in no doubt about your passion and conviction. Might someone connected with your career find this to be very attractive? Absolutely!

Tuesday 28th March

Tackle it confidently

Transiting Mercury Opposes your natal Pluto from 28th to 30th March 2023. Exact 29th March

The word 'worry' is, interestingly, derived from the Anglo-Saxon word 'weirgan' which means 'to strangulate.' We all know how worrying about something is counterproductive yet somehow manage to continue doing it.

In your relationship world, you could be identifying a reason to worry or feel a sense of panic. It's possible a fear is being nurtured. Even if you feel such feelings are justified and very real, circumstances are encouraging you now to accept that an issue needs to be faced and dealt with confidently.

It requires action, not fed with fear. You can tackle what needs tackling and, provided you're willing to bring the issue out into the light where it can be seen clearly and put in place a strategy to resolve it, then success is assured.

Also on Tuesday

Seeing what needs to be seen

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Neptune from 28th to 30th March 2023. Exact 30th March

Every day and within every situation we encounter, there is beauty and magic to be seen. It can take strength and courage to see what is less beautiful or magical sometimes and you have recently had to summon strength and courage to accept something in your world.

Your outlook, particularly where your world of relationships is concerned, is one of clarity, understanding, and positivity.

You are in a much better position now to make a choice than you were recently and, through being better informed now than you were, can expect to have your spirits lifted enormously. That doesn't mean every answer you seek to a confusing or difficult situation will become available, but you will gain enough information shortly to be able to proceed confidently and feel more reassured.

Thursday 30th March

Keep it simple

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Ascendant from 30th to 31st March 2023. Exact 31st March

It's amazing how simply leaving one word out of a sentence can change it dramatically. When we're trying to make a point or convey ideas to others, then doing so successfully relies entirely upon others grasping and fully understanding the point we're making.

We know, from experience, that people don't always understand what we're trying to tell them despite our efforts to do all we can to ensure they do. If what you're trying to convey to a certain person – or group of people – appears to be hard work, then you need to rethink how you're conveying it. Remove all assumption from the equation.

Start again if you feel you must do so. You can save considerable hassle and frustration by doing both if you sense it is necessary.

Forecast for April 2023

Monday 3rd April

Pay Attention

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal North Node from 3rd to 4th April 2023. Exact 4th April

Conveying your ideas for the future could be tricky at this time. If your goals are vague, then your efforts could be sporadic and inconsistent. However, this could be due to overthinking them or working so rigidly to a plan that you become confused or agitated when everything doesn't go entirely to plan. You want to be the captain of your own destiny and might not take kindly to advice from a loved one or partner about steps you could take to make your visions real. You might also believe that nobody apart from you truly understands what you're keen to achieve. However, if you can adopt a more open and flexible mind to any suggestions coming from someone close, then you could discover they have at least one valid point. Be willing to listen.

Also on Monday

Speaking Openly and Authentically

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal South Node from 3rd to 4th April 2023. Exact 4th April

Expressing thoughts, feelings or desires could be particularly difficult at this time. You might feel an unignorable sense of nervousness about revealing your authentic self to a lover and the idea of making yourself vulnerable to do so only increases nervousness. You might feel taking the path of least resistance with affairs of the heart is your best option, and simply allow a relationship to unfold or progress with little or no steering from you. However, whether single or attached, you might be able to spot a certain pattern regarding the kind of person you attract and commit to. Past lovers might have discouraged you from speaking openly. It's also possible your attitude toward communicating in relationships – or not doing so – stems from issues your parents experienced similarly. You're encouraged to accept the need for a partner who won't stifle your personality or desires and wants you to be yourself. If you're with someone currently who fits that bill, then fantastic. If not, then make the need a priority for the future.

Wednesday 5th April

Time to be selective

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Mercury from 5th to 7th April 2023. Exact 6th April

We often resent having no options available to us. Then, we resent having too many. We like having a choice, but not too much choice.

It is through having a bit too much choice in your relationship world now that is causing you to make what can only be described as a controversial decision – and making that is likely to bring about a controversial result!

Avoid giving time and attention to whatever or whoever isn't as worthy of it. With little effort, you can identify what or whom is worthy of your attention and, from there, you can make a decision that is less likely to cause tongues wagging.

Monday 10th April

Smile sweetly and look for what truly deserves your attention

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Sun from 10th to 13th April 2023. Exact 12th April

Do you turn the other cheek? Do you ignore provocation? Doing either will require much self-control. It will also require faith on your part because the act of ignoring such a bothersome factor is one that is unlikely be done easily. If you want to involve yourself in a pointless debate now, then you can.

However, all the indications are, where tension exists between you and a certain person, you ought to avoid a drama that is better left alone. Something more constructive needs your time and attention. Look closely at what is far more simple, sweet and clearer and focus on that.

Also on Monday

Don't fear the worst

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Mars from 10th to 13th April 2023. Exact 11th April

We tend to regret what we don't do in life. Even when we're in the throes of worry or confusion about a decision we've made, rarely do we focus our concern on the decision itself.

It is what we fear the result will be or our belief that we've made a wrong choice that causes the most problems. Where your relationship with a certain person is concerned, you have taken action in some way and could feel a mistake has been made.

It's time for you to summon self-discipline, discrimination, and determination combined with a healthy dose of faith in the fact that what you have instigated can only be beneficial.

Wednesday 12th April

Applying ingenuity can bring something magical

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Venus from 12th to 15th April 2023. Exact 14th April

Does the word 'genius' get used more today than at other times throughout history? Think about how fantastic inventions were many years ago that have become accepted and taken for granted today.

Surely, something created by someone else that stands the test of time through acceptance by so many people is worthy of the accolade 'genius'? It is how you are likely to apply ingenuity now that put you in a wonderfully strong position.

It seems that comfort is winging its way to you and most likely in a material or financial sense. But real, long-lasting comfort is likely to come from you devising a clever plan and pursuing a wonderful idea and doing either or both will, undoubtedly, enhance your relationship with someone else, or present you with one that could arguably be heaven sent.

Wednesday 26th April


Applying ingenuity can bring something magical

Transiting Mercury Retrograde Trines your natal Venus from 26th to 30th April 2023. Exact 28th April

Does the word 'genius' get used more today than at other times throughout history? Think about how fantastic inventions were many years ago that have become accepted and taken for granted today.

Surely, something created by someone else that stands the test of time through acceptance by so many people is worthy of the accolade 'genius'? It is how you are likely to apply ingenuity now that put you in a wonderfully strong position.

It seems that comfort is winging its way to you and most likely in a material or financial sense. But real, long-lasting comfort is likely to come from you devising a clever plan and pursuing a wonderful idea and doing either or both will, undoubtedly, enhance your relationship with someone else, or present you with one that could arguably be heaven sent.

Friday 28th April


Smile sweetly and look for what truly deserves your attention

Transiting Mercury Retrograde Squares your natal Sun from 28th April 2023 to 2nd May 2023. Exact 30th April

Do you turn the other cheek? Do you ignore provocation? Doing either will require much self-control. It will also require faith on your part because the act of ignoring such a bothersome factor is one that is unlikely be done easily. If you want to involve yourself in a pointless debate now, then you can.

However, all the indications are, where tension exists between you and a certain person, you ought to avoid a drama that is better left alone. Something more constructive needs your time and attention. Look closely at what is far more simple, sweet and clearer and focus on that.

Saturday 29th April


Don't fear the worst

Transiting Mercury Retrograde Sextiles your natal Mars from 29th April 2023 to 3rd May 2023. Exact 1st May

We tend to regret what we don't do in life. Even when we're in the throes of worry or confusion about a decision we've made, rarely do we focus our concern on the decision itself.

It is what we fear the result will be or our belief that we've made a wrong choice that causes the most problems. Where your relationship with a certain person is concerned, you have taken action in some way and could feel a mistake has been made.

It's time for you to summon self-discipline, discrimination, and determination combined with a healthy dose of faith in the fact that what you have instigated can only be beneficial.

Forecast for May 2023

Tuesday 9th May


Time to be selective

Transiting Mercury Retrograde Squares your natal Mercury from 9th to 19th May 2023. Exact 14th May

We often resent having no options available to us. Then, we resent having too many. We like having a choice, but not too much choice.

It is through having a bit too much choice in your relationship world now that is causing you to make what can only be described as a controversial decision – and making that is likely to bring about a controversial result!

Avoid giving time and attention to whatever or whoever isn't as worthy of it. With little effort, you can identify what or whom is worthy of your attention and, from there, you can make a decision that is less likely to cause tongues wagging.

Thursday 25th May

Don't fear the worst

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Mars from 25th to 28th May 2023. Exact 27th May

We tend to regret what we don't do in life. Even when we're in the throes of worry or confusion about a decision we've made, rarely do we focus our concern on the decision itself.

It is what we fear the result will be or our belief that we've made a wrong choice that causes the most problems. Where your relationship with a certain person is concerned, you have taken action in some way and could feel a mistake has been made.

It's time for you to summon self-discipline, discrimination, and determination combined with a healthy dose of faith in the fact that what you have instigated can only be beneficial.

Friday 26th May

Smile sweetly and look for what truly deserves your attention

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Sun from 26th to 28th May 2023. Exact 27th May

Do you turn the other cheek? Do you ignore provocation? Doing either will require much self-control. It will also require faith on your part because the act of ignoring such a bothersome factor is one that is unlikely be done easily. If you want to involve yourself in a pointless debate now, then you can.

However, all the indications are, where tension exists between you and a certain person, you ought to avoid a drama that is better left alone. Something more constructive needs your time and attention. Look closely at what is far more simple, sweet and clearer and focus on that.

Saturday 27th May

Applying ingenuity can bring something magical

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Venus from 27th to 30th May 2023. Exact 29th May

Does the word 'genius' get used more today than at other times throughout history? Think about how fantastic inventions were many years ago that have become accepted and taken for granted today.

Surely, something created by someone else that stands the test of time through acceptance by so many people is worthy of the accolade 'genius'? It is how you are likely to apply ingenuity now that put you in a wonderfully strong position.

It seems that comfort is winging its way to you and most likely in a material or financial sense. But real, long-lasting comfort is likely to come from you devising a clever plan and pursuing a wonderful idea and doing either or both will, undoubtedly, enhance your relationship with someone else, or present you with one that could arguably be heaven sent.

Forecast for June 2023

Friday 2nd June


Cheeky Charmer

Mercury transits your natal 11th house from 2nd to 23rd June 2023

You could be increasingly turned-on by the spirit of collaboration. You're keen to encourage the constant sharing of ideas and see no sense in concealing any idea or vision because, regardless of how impractical or nonsensical they might appear initially, ideas deserve to be shared. You could excel at brainstorming now, and although you could speak your mind freely in group situations, it's important to ensure you're not the one doing all the talking. With your ability to express yourself in ways that encourage and facilitate teamwork, you could excel at networking or making social connections. That little bit more cheeky charm you possess might be enough to attract one person's attention, too!

Sunday 4th June

Better Out Than In

Transiting Mercury Conjuncts your natal Chiron from 4th to 6th June 2023. Exact 6th June

You could feel torn between communicating or expressing romantic or relationship needs and desires and opting to say nothing. This could be due to you feeling dissatisfied with how whatever emerges from your mouth differs considerably from what your head and heart intended you to say. It's also possible you might choose to say nothing because you fear revealing too much and don't want to experience regrets or guilt from doing so. It's the latter scenario that could cause you to become insular and uncommunicative. If in doubt, speak your mind and from the depths of your heart now. Summoning courage in such a way can be integral to healing any past wounds attached to regrets or guilt you might nurture from the past regarding what you said - or wished you had said!

Tuesday 6th June

If you want agreement, then ask for it

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Ascendant from 6th to 8th June 2023. Exact 7th June

If one person takes on board or has faith in what we're telling them, then that bodes well for others doing similarly. If, in a group situation, we find that something we're suggesting or proposing is met with receptiveness and approval, then there's clearly relevance to what we're saying.

You can make real progress now by conveying to more than one person in your world something you feel is important and needs to be said. If you've had reservations about speaking up previously for any reason, then abandon them now.

You have a point to make, can make it confidently and expect it to be met with agreement if you're willing to try.

Wednesday 7th June

Focus on the bright side

Transiting Mercury Opposes your natal Uranus from 7th to 9th June 2023. Exact 8th June

We often hear people speak of something called 'Murphy's Law.' This old saying applies to whatever can go wrong, going wrong. Such situations usually take us by surprise, and such a surprise is not usually one we welcome.

You can, if you wish, become despondent or resentful about a certain development but, before you do, look at how it is unlikely to have been prevented. You know something wasn't 'right' or needed improving so look closely at how a setback is spurring you on in some way.

You have no reason to feel depressed, defeated or desperate. It is time to let go of an old expectation and focus on numerous benefits attached to starting afresh in some way.

You're in the throes of reassessing and re-evaluating what - and whom - matters most to you and will soon see how gloriously bright your future is.

Saturday 10th June

Making Dreams Real

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal North Node from 10th to 12th June 2023. Exact 12th June

Enough mental preparation has probably been made to take confident steps toward a romantic or relationship future that inspires you. You owe it to yourself to stick to the mental checklist you've created and refuse to settle for second best wherever possible. You can see a clear connection between a cherished ambition and personal relationships. Therefore, it's important that whoever accompanies you on your aspirational journey understands the importance of what you want to achieve and that you're not chasing something fanciful or unrealistic. You know the journey would be much more interesting with someone at your side who shares your vision and can contribute ideas to help make them real. Embracing the spirit of teamwork with a loved one or potential partner not only helps you take strides to achieve cherished goals but also creates a shared buzz that comes from seeing what two great minds achieve together.

Also on Saturday

Two Forward-Thinkers

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal South Node from 10th to 12th June 2023. Exact 12th June

You appreciate comfort in your emotional world or a love partnership but are also aware of things called 'comfort zones.' You could be on a mission to ensure complacency doesn't stand a chance of setting in where your romantic or relationship connections are concerned. You could also succeed in creating shortcuts to your romantic or relationship aspirations by seeking a partner who has already been where you want to be or can offer you experience-based advice. This is a time when you put great emphasis on a romantic relationship playing an integral part in helping you get to where you're trying to go. The idea of brainstorming ideas with a loved one or allowing someone close to pull strings to further your career will excite you. You need a lover who is as forward-thinking as you are, and if this hasn't been apparent previously, then it could become apparent now.

Monday 12th June

Communication is key

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Moon from 12th to 14th June 2023. Exact 14th June

We're all blessed with instincts. We use them from time to time and, when we do, find that they provide us with interesting and, at times, valuable insight. If you're willing to use yours now, then you stand to gain insight into a situation that you may feel you're kidding yourself about.

You're not deceiving yourself, and your assessment of a situation and someone's involvement with it (or their motivation) is likely to be accurate. You and a certain person need to have an exchange of sorts, and this is likely to involve a tense and possibly emotional conversation.

But even if verbal dialogue isn't forthcoming, there is much you're able to learn now through subtle signs and signals. Provided you're willing to be open and share tactfully and sensitively what you can share, then someone else is likely to do the same.

Tuesday 13th June

A valuable discovery

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Saturn from 13th to 15th June 2023. Exact 14th June

You feel much more positive than you have of late. It is though, a case of striking while the proverbial iron is hot.

There is something you need to learn about yourself and, through doing so and learning something valuable, you will be in an excellent position to move a plan forward that involves a project – or person – close to your heart.

Prepare to see evidence of how loved and respected you are in the eyes of certain people and one person in particular. It's time to address something you've chosen to ignore and once you take a brave step forward, life will, in many ways, become noticeably easier and sweeter.

Also on Tuesday

Happily ever after

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Jupiter from 13th to 15th June 2023. Exact 15th June

Most leading fairy tale characters tend to live 'happily ever after.' Whether or not they did is something we will never know. All that we know is, one chapter in their respective worlds ended and another began and, in your world now, something awkward or tense has ended, and something better is beginning.

If you're not already seeing evidence that life is becoming sweeter, noticeably more sensible and logical, then you will soon enough. This can only have a very positive knock-on effect to your relationships and with one person in particular.

Positive and encouraging news is on its way to you, and this should help you to strike a deal or implement an arrangement of agreement that has needed discussion for some time. All you need to do is be receptive to making the positive change.

Also on Tuesday

The truth needs respect

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Mercury from 13th to 14th June 2023. Exact 14th June

We're sometimes accused of 'kidding ourselves.' We often have good reason to resent such a comment. After all, why would someone else be so quick to draw a conclusion about how they feel we've drawn an incorrect or inaccurate conclusion? Where your relationship world is concerned, you have a very good reason to believe you know the truth about something someone else is inclined to think you've grasped the wrong end of the proverbial stick about.

Stick with what you know to be right and real. The truth deserves respect now, and you're in a perfect position to support it, based on what your intuition is telling you.

Friday 16th June

Exploring your options

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Sun from 16th to 18th June 2023. Exact 17th June

People often speak about being 'stuck in ruts.' It's interesting how many people are willing to accept that's how things must be. They convince themselves that a rut they find themselves in will require more effort than they're prepared to give to remove themselves from it, or they fear change that will come as a result of doing so.

You are being presented with an opportunity to instigate a change that will get you out of a rut that you may feel you're stuck in.

It's possible you can remove yourself from a tedious drama and, where your relationship with someone is concerned, introduce life where tedium is all too present. You have more choices than you thought you did and that's precisely what needs to be understood now.

Also on Friday

It's in your best interests to ensure you're understood now

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal MidHeaven from 16th to 18th June 2023. Exact 18th June

Back in medieval times, kings and queens had Court Jesters, individuals whose role involved entertaining the king, queen and all directly associated with them. It was in Jesters' best interests to ensure the king or queen laughed when they were supposed to. Otherwise, Jesters often met with an untimely end.

Think though, what might have happened if one poor Jester was sent to his death and the king or queen fell about laughing having 'got' a joke after it was too late? It's important that you make no assumption now about anyone understanding a point you're trying to convey.

Don't take the fact that they're nodding as acceptance or understanding. It seems there is a need for you to take time to ensure you're not being misunderstood. Take time to ensure you are.

Saturday 17th June

Life and money

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Venus from 17th to 19th June 2023. Exact 18th June

A relationship needs to be redefined now, but you might be surprised at what relationship you're expected to redefine. It is your relationship with life that needs to be assessed.

It is also your relationship with bits of paper and metal we use to purchase things with that needs new perspective put upon it. What is it you're expected to do? Well, that's easy. All you need to do where life and money are concerned is not take either so seriously.

That's not to say you don't have issues surrounding both that do need addressing. You're being encouraged to address what cannot be ignored – but you're also being encouraged to accept that, one action has been taken, worrying is an exercise in futility.

Face what needs facing. Sort what needs sorting, and life will undoubtedly become noticeably sweeter and less tense.

Wednesday 21st June

A valuable discovery is the catalyst to transforming a situation

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Pluto from 21st to 23rd June 2023. Exact 22nd June

We can be surrounded by many people yet feel alone. Feeling alone can be heightened enormously when we're struggling because support we need from one or two people not being forthcoming. This means you're having to tackle a certain issue singlehandedly and aren't exactly over the moon with having to do so.

The good news is, you are very capable of tackling on your own what needs to be tackled. It is the discovery of a certain piece of information that will boost your confidence.

Once done, you will feel confident enough to face certain issues or individuals you've feared facing. You'll be more inclined to bring out into the open what has been conveniently brushed under a proverbial carpet.

This new-found confidence, combined with real desire to bring about a significant change to a certain situation, will result in very positive and necessary transformation where you have long wanted to see it.

Also on Wednesday

Desire could overthrow logic

Transiting Mercury Opposes your natal Neptune from 21st to 23rd June 2023. Exact 23rd June

Will a little bit of what you fancy do you good? That depends on how certain you are about repercussions or consequences of pursuing or accepting it.

Even if someone is less than honest with you, it is important you are honest with yourself now. Even if someone is being very persuasive and encouraging you to reconsider your options in some way, be 'live' to the possibility that you could end up kidding yourself.

Desire could overthrow logic, but the final choice is yours. Make a decision based on what you know to be real, solid and safe and ensure wisdom plays a very big part as well.

Friday 23th June


Deeply Ethereal

Mercury transits your natal 12th house from 23rd June 2023 to 8th July 2023

You might not feel very communicative at this time and possibly feel unsure of your abilities to express yourself clearly. However, you could be an excellent confidante and can encourage others or one person, in particular, to connect with your discreet qualities. You might also feel more trusting toward what your instincts tell you as opposed to relying on facts. You're intrigued by ideas that are presented visually, emotionally, and imaginatively. Conversations could also surround spiritual-based topics, and ethereal discussions could enter very deep territory if you allow them to.

Tuesday 27th June

Posing questions in measured doses

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Moon from 27th to 29th June 2023. Exact 28th June

If you're aware of a distinct feeling of confusion, then welcome it. It is uncertainty you're feeling that is likely to encourage you to question one or two areas or aspects of your world that could do with being questioned. Be careful though, of how much time and effort you give toward questioning whatever – or whoever – it is.

You could be at risk of making a bigger issue out of something than is justified. To you, an issue is big. To someone else, it's likely to be less important, so by all means, ask questions to get to the bottom of a certain matter, but be alert to when might be a good time to stop.

Wednesday 28th June

Seeing a situation as it really is

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Jupiter from 28th to 30th June 2023. Exact 29th June

If you're not seeing eye-to-eye with a certain person or are aware that tension is escalating between you and someone else, then coming developments are going to do much to help.

That doesn't necessarily mean that such help won't bring with it further tension because a certain situation might need to worsen slightly before it can be improved. Think of the saying about the need to break eggs sometimes!

There appears to be uncertainty between you and someone else about an arrangement and where this goes from here. You are not as trapped as you might believe you are though.

If you're willing to make progress and improve an arrangement that may no longer be valid and in need of updating, then a superb opportunity exists to do so now. The key to achieving this lies with you not seeing an issue as being bigger or more daunting than it really is.

Also on Wednesday

The answer is in the past

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Saturn from 28th to 29th June 2023. Exact 29th June

What makes someone an 'expert' at something? Is it the authoritative way in which they speak? Is it because their appearance reassures us that they know what they're talking about? If they tell themselves something enough times, then they start believing it.

If we're told something enough times, then we start believing it, too – especially if what's being told to us is being told BY us! What matters now is your ability to draw a conclusion based on personal, previous experience – not what someone else is trying to convince you of.

Something from your past needs revisiting and re-examining now. To make a very positive change, all you need to do is accept that there is something you don't know or know enough about.

Whatever happened previously will help you identify this and, once you identify it, you will begin to ask questions about something from your past that has confused you that will then lead to a very valuable discovery.

Friday 30th June

Say it as you see it

Transiting Mercury Conjuncts your natal Mars from 30th June 2023 to 2nd July 2023. Exact 1st July

How are you supposed to gauge a certain person's mood or attitude now? It's difficult because people rarely say what they really mean. Someone's words are either coated in sugar or protected to a point where deciphering their message is difficult if not impossible.

They are either noticeably sweeter, or their words contain an unmistakable hint of aggression, and it might even be more than a hint at times. Believe that you're not kidding yourself or seeing or hearing something that doesn't exist.

Summon the courage to ask someone to make clearer what they're saying, and you will remove the mystery with less effort than you thought would be required.

Forecast for July 2023

Saturday 1st July

It is love that makes the world go around

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Venus from 1st to 3rd July 2023. Exact 2nd July

People employed in the financial world often tell us that the past should not be a guideline for the future when investing. Anyone shrewd enough to consider investing in such companies is usually aware of that fact.

Money, they say makes the world go around and if we decide we need money or more of it, then there are options available to us or steps we can take that investment of effort will change.

What about love though? Can we bring about love or more love in our world by making a similar effort? There's enough money in the world for anyone who wants some or more of it but is there a finite amount of love available to us during our lifetimes? Prepare to discover how no such limit exists through being very aware of how loved you are.

Also on Saturday

Repetition is not necessary

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal MidHeaven from 1st to 2nd July 2023. Exact 2nd July

Some television commercials can be extremely annoying. Companies who make commercials and those whose products or services they represent are unconcerned about this.

As far as they're concerned, they have a valid point to make and will make as often as they see fit until they're reassured an advertising campaign has been successful or budgets have run out.

They often fail to understand that their incessant intrusion does little more than discourage many of us from buying their products or services. Bear this in mind with a point you want to make now.

You might believe making a point repeatedly will result in the person or people you wish to influence succumbing, but this plan can backfire if you're not careful. You'll gain much support if you make your point sensibly, succinctly and sensitively.

Wednesday 5th July

Removing the window dressing

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Pluto from 5th to 7th July 2023. Exact 6th July

Beauty, we know, is skin deep. However, particularly in society today, such emphasis is put on making what we see so appealing. In the same way we know we shouldn't judge books by covers, you may be placing too much emphasis on a quality or factor which is not as valuable or as relevant as it seems.

If you want to achieve or attain something that is truly and deeply satisfying, then you need to care less about something that doesn't deserve the levels of attention you appear keen to give it.

To bring about a much-needed change in this respect, a tense or potentially difficult conversation needs to be had. You might even discover you possess the courage to say a few things you've been afraid to say or chose, for reasons known best to yourself, to keep hidden.

Provided you're willing to see an unsatisfactory or disguised situation for what it is, be resolute toward improving it in whatever way you deem fit and say what you know needs to be said from the depths of your heart, then you can be assured you will have nothing whatsoever to be apologetic or regretful about.

Thursday 6th July

Let your words and ideas flow

Transiting Mercury Conjuncts your natal Ascendant from 6th to 8th July 2023. Exact 8th July

If someone is to agree with what we're proposing, then it helps if they're in a positive and receptive frame of mind. Children learn from a young age when to time their requests with adults and you're encouraged to believe in a perfect position to do similarly now.

You're urged to put forth a suggestion, proposal or to simply convey your thoughts or ideas to a certain person where conditions previously may have made doing so difficult.

Choose your words, say what you need to say, and you'll likely find your words not only flow but are received in a much more positive way than you expected.

Also on Thursday

New Levels of Depth and Clarity

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Chiron from 6th to 7th July 2023. Exact 7th July

We often hear what people say but truly understanding what they mean is something we can struggle with. Even if someone goes to great lengths to convey themselves calmly and clearly, miscommunication can arise if we focus only on what we want to hear. You have an excellent chance now to open lines of communication with others, or one special person in particular. Your heightened sensitivity makes you more willing to listen. It also helps you to convey yourself with new levels of depth and clarity. By harnessing sensitivity, you can not only choose your words carefully but can also intuitively express the meaning and intention behind them. You could be surprised at how this can strengthen – or, where necessary, heal – your closest relationships.

Friday 7th July

Think it through

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Uranus from 7th to 9th July 2023. Exact 8th July

Sometimes, we feel inclined to cause a stir or upheaval just to see what happens. We reach a point where we become bored with how predictable or devoid of opportunity a situation appears to have become and decide to shake things up a bit.

That's fine, provided we accept the consequences of doing so - and blame for it should fingers be pointed our direction! If you feel inclined to shake things up a bit in your relationship world, then feel free to do so.

Be aware though that action will always cause a reaction and you will need to accept responsibility for change you instigate. Be sure you want change before you take the action you're considering taking now.

Saturday 8th July


Inspired Energy

Mercury transits your natal 1st house from 8th to 20th July 2023

Your youthful and potentially mischievous charm could be extra-alluring at this time. However, you might need to dial back any sense of restlessness or tendency to move from one conversational topic to another randomly. You're blessed with an enhanced ability to convey yourself clearly, but others might appreciate a bit more willingness on your part to listen, too. You could emit infectious energy when sharing ideas, plans or projects that inspire you. There could also be something alluring about your keenness to take the lead with pursuing any idea or plan that captures your - and possibly someone else's - imagination.

Monday 10th July

Mental Connecting

Transiting Mercury Conjuncts your natal North Node from 10th to 12th July 2023. Exact 11th July

You're on a lifelong quest to discover and absorb knowledge. Therefore, it's probably important to you that a partner supports and encourages you on your journey of discovery. If you're single, then you could feel increasingly aware of your need for a partner who will help you seek new and mind-stimulating experiences. Perhaps, someone older or who has more life experience than you might appear to be an attractive option. But whether single or attached, you're aware of an essential mental connection that needs to be in place between you and a partner. If you're lucky enough to have found such a person, then you could be reminded of how they adore your sharp, inquisitive mind, and the way you constantly have another explorative adventure lined up!

Also on Monday

A New Destination

Transiting Mercury Opposes your natal South Node from 10th to 12th July 2023. Exact 11th July

You've probably learned many love life lessons the hard way, by making mistakes or adopting trial and error approaches to forming loving and intimate connections. However, perhaps it's by knowing what you don't want with loving or intimate relationships because of this that you're clearer in your mind about what you want. If past issues have been due to you being afraid to express yourself, then you're about to apply lessons learned previously to the present and have no qualms about stating your needs and desires clearly. You also accept that making the same mistakes in love relates to repeating old patterns that might have been appropriate in the past but play no part in the present or future. You're about to embark upon a self-led journey of learning and personal growth. This will have delightful implications to a current love connection. If you're single, then your new destination will offer many exciting and intriguing possibilities.

Wednesday 12th July

Seeing the light

Transiting Mercury Conjuncts your natal Mercury from 12th to 14th July 2023. Exact 13th July

Are you familiar with the phrase 'Eureka Moment'? We all experience them from time to time and usually rejoice in the fact that a moment of clarity has brought about a much-needed revelation or insight.

You're being helped to see a certain way forward where a situation between you and someone else is concerned and what should happen next. Interestingly though, the more insight and understanding you gain, the more questions you feel inclined to ask. Try to keep these at bay, at least for the time being.

There are implications surrounding what you're discovering now but don't underestimate how powerful your powers of persuasive communication are. You won't struggle to share what intrigues and fascinates you.

Also on Wednesday

Let your inner voice enthuse you

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Saturn from 12th to 14th July 2023. Exact 13th July

Sometimes, for an easier life, we can be a bit too quick to simply agree with someone else because we don't believe we have the energy, inclination or ability to disagree with them. Because enthusiasm can be infectious, we sometimes believe it to be easier to latch on to someone else's enthusiasm for something rather than find our own reasons for being fired up about pursuing something.

Before you allow yourself to be influenced by someone's enthusiasm for a plan or arrangement, consider what your inner voice is telling you.

You don't need to follow in ways you believe you must. You can take the lead and are right to trust your own judgment about something. Take a moment to step back and make a decision on your own without pressure coming from you-know-who.

Also on Wednesday

A way with words

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Moon from 12th to 13th July 2023. Exact 13th July

When can you last recall words flowing freely to the point where you surprised yourself with how easily you said them? When can you last recall speaking from your heart and revealing effortlessly what you felt? You should find making your point or conveying your feelings, at least with words, considerably easier now.

If there's something you've wanted to say to a certain person in any way, then if you're willing to make an effort to do so now, you're likely to find that words and emotions flow.

Thursday 13th July

You can't fail to impress now

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Jupiter from 13th to 14th July 2023. Exact 14th July

Experienced magicians can impress others because of countless hours of practicing. The same can be said about musicians. To do something impressive usually takes considerable time to perfect. How frustrating it must be for them when some people overlook how much time and effort has been invested to perfect their talent or skill.

In your relationship world now, you can not only make something wonderful happen but can also impress more than one person with how you do it. You're about to make a decision that alters an unsatisfactory situation beyond recognition. The process though is not as instant as it may appear.

You've had to go through an intense trial and error period, but now that you have perfected, in your mind, a way forward, you cannot fail to impress others - including yourself!

Sunday 16th July

An essential moment of clarity

Transiting Mercury Conjuncts your natal Sun from 16th to 17th July 2023. Exact 17th July

Something has become complicated. It has probably been complex for some time but what you're about to discover is how uncomplicated it really is. This is due to two things happening.

The first surrounds you applying imagination and determination to get to the bottom of whatever-it-is or at least be prepared to look at it and explore it in ways you may have been unwilling to do of late. The second involves your confidence rising as a result and a clear mind attained as a result of that.

Where your relationship with a certain person is involved or how you would like it to be, clarity on a new and much-needed level is coming and so too is an opportunity to make something wonderful happen.

Also on Sunday

Gentle persuasion is key

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal MidHeaven from 16th to 17th July 2023. Exact 17th July

There have been many popular songs that have focused on difference of opinion. One person says or believes one thing. Another person says or believes something else. Interestingly, such songs have only highlighted the problem without proposing a solution.

Where you and a certain person in your relationship world are potentially locking horns now, might this be due to a clash of opinion? The key to resolving this lies with continued and open communication. You're both closer to reaching a compromise than you believe.

It's fine, natural and acceptable for someone to adopt a contrary position but if success you want to see happen relies on them supporting your ideas or proposals, then with gentle persuasion and reiterating benefits to them of what you're proposing, you can achieve it.

Thursday 20th July


Smooth Negotiator

Mercury transits your natal 2nd house from 20th July 2023 to 6th August 2023

Your ability to think quickly or come up with rapid, clever solutions is heightened wonderfully now, and this can boost your self-esteem. However, your desire for mental stimulation could be seen as intense to those you share ideas or visions with. Just because someone doesn't connect instantly with your intellectual vibe doesn't mean they won't do so if you try to dial back your fervent communicative approach. Anyone wanting financial advice, or ideas related to making or saving money could benefit from your input. You're one very smooth negotiator now, and this can be an ability that someone in your world could find very reassuring – and attractive!

Friday 21st July

Right here, right now is what matters

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Pluto from 21st to 23rd July 2023. Exact 23rd July

There is much to be said about adopting a 'right here, right now' attitude now. As keen as you might be to ensure something is put in place now that will facilitate a much happier and brighter tomorrow, it is what's happening here and now, particularly where your relationship world is concerned, that needs the most attention.

Don't succumb to the need to hasten a process that is unfolding in its own way and time. Despite how results and progress you wish were more encouraging or visible appear somewhere in the far-off distance, it's important you trust that you are in the throes of a very positive and transformative process. Soon, your current situation will appear vastly different.

That, however, is going to be the result of the process working on your behalf that cannot be rushed. Focus instead on here and now in the knowledge that change you yearn for is coming, and very soon.

Saturday 22nd July

Seeing what needs to be seen

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Neptune from 22nd to 24th July 2023. Exact 23rd July

Every day and within every situation we encounter, there is beauty and magic to be seen. It can take strength and courage to see what is less beautiful or magical sometimes and you have recently had to summon strength and courage to accept something in your world.

Your outlook, particularly where your world of relationships is concerned, is one of clarity, understanding, and positivity.

You are in a much better position now to make a choice than you were recently and, through being better informed now than you were, can expect to have your spirits lifted enormously. That doesn't mean every answer you seek to a confusing or difficult situation will become available, but you will gain enough information shortly to be able to proceed confidently and feel more reassured.

Also on Saturday

Making Amends

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Chiron from 22nd to 24th July 2023. Exact 23rd July

We know how communication between our brain and mouth can break down sometimes. We can be surprised or shocked to discover that what emerges from our mouth can be far removed from what our brain agreed would be said. We can also be surprised or shocked at how hurtful our words can be. We know when we've hit the emotional bullseye with our intention to wound someone verbally. Even if we want them to know how proud we are to have done so, our conscience soon makes clear how wrong we were to inflict such pain deliberately. If you know someone deserves an apology for hurtful words you said in the past, it's not too late to make amends. Consider how you'll feel if you do.

Monday 24th July

You can fix what needs fixing

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Uranus from 24th to 26th July 2023. Exact 25th July

For us to 'fix' something, we need to identify in what way or ways it is broken. In the same way a doctor cannot give a diagnosis or prescription without being clear what remedy is needed, we can only fix what needs fixing if we understand what needs fixing and why.

In your relationship world, a drama is unfolding. It is through knowing how a certain situation can be adjusted or rearranged that offers the greatest and most effective way to improve it.

Ignore the desire to be somewhere else. Removing yourself is not an option or solution. The solution surrounds more meaning or depth given to a tired situation, and that's precisely what you can bring.

Have faith in the fact that you can make a situation better and time is on your side to achieve this.

Forecast for August 2023

Saturday 5th August

Don't fear the worst

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Mars from 5th to 7th August 2023. Exact 6th August

We tend to regret what we don't do in life. Even when we're in the throes of worry or confusion about a decision we've made, rarely do we focus our concern on the decision itself.

It is what we fear the result will be or our belief that we've made a wrong choice that causes the most problems. Where your relationship with a certain person is concerned, you have taken action in some way and could feel a mistake has been made.

It's time for you to summon self-discipline, discrimination, and determination combined with a healthy dose of faith in the fact that what you have instigated can only be beneficial.

Sunday 6th August

A fair deal needs doing

Transiting Mercury Conjuncts your natal Venus from 6th to 9th August 2023. Exact 8th August

Negotiation should always be a two-way process. If done properly, negotiation should result in both sides believing they have gained and reached a mutually satisfactory result.

Some people believe that negotiation must involve one side 'getting one over' the other or hoodwinking them in some way.

Where you and someone else are concerned, there is something to be negotiated, and an agreement needs to be reached. If what is discussed is discussed fairly, then both you and someone else could benefit – or profit – enormously from the process.

Monday 7th August


Like Minds

Mercury transits your natal 3rd house from 7th August 2023 to 8th September 2023

Your ability to absorb and process information could make you a perfect student or an ideal teacher in some way. This can also make you a superb 'sounding board' for anyone who is struggling to come up with an answer or solution in their world. You bring a strong logic to thought processes now and your ability to see the different sides of any situation or story not only makes you interesting, but it also draws others to you. Your interest in local surroundings or your community might increase as well. Interacting with others who either live locally or who share your community-based interests could result in a meeting of like-minds!

Saturday 19th August


Stick with the plan and keep with the program

Transiting Mercury Retrograde Squares your natal Neptune from 19th to 26th August 2023. Exact 23rd August

If something's too good to be true, then we usually have at least one very good reason to doubt it. When something becomes available to us instantly or with little or no effort on our part, we first experience delight that gets replaced with suspicion.

Be wary now of such a situation presenting itself to you now and this probably surrounds a certain person in your world being economical with the truth.

Something in your world doesn't need 'fixing' in the way you're being led to believe, and neither does it need the level of complication that will undoubtedly arise though believing what you're being told now.

Stay focused on what you know works, makes you happy and is safe. Don't deviate from a plan just because a seemingly more attractive option is making itself available.

Sunday 20th August


Crystal Clarity

Transiting Mercury Retrograde Trines your natal Chiron from 20th to 25th August 2023. Exact 23rd August

Your sensitivity could be heightened noticeably at this time and integral to encouraging others, or one person, in particular, to speak openly with you. Your listening skills are finely tuned which could also make you a trusted confidante for someone close, and you could find the right words flow effortlessly to bring comfort or healing to them. You're able to strip away anything superfluous with your communication and convey yourself with crystal clarity. If you sense a need to open up or seek comfort or healing yourself from a loved one or partner, then you could find that adopting a more open and flexible mind toward any suppressed issue helps you see it in a more realistic perspective. This can make it easier for the object of your affections to view your issue objectively.

Forecast for September 2023

Monday 4th September


A fair deal needs doing

Transiting Mercury Retrograde Conjuncts your natal Venus from 4th to 7th September 2023. Exact 6th September

Negotiation should always be a two-way process. If done properly, negotiation should result in both sides believing they have gained and reached a mutually satisfactory result.

Some people believe that negotiation must involve one side 'getting one over' the other or hoodwinking them in some way.

Where you and someone else are concerned, there is something to be negotiated, and an agreement needs to be reached. If what is discussed is discussed fairly, then both you and someone else could benefit – or profit – enormously from the process.

Wednesday 6th September


Don't fear the worst

Transiting Mercury Retrograde Sextiles your natal Mars from 6th to 9th September 2023. Exact 8th September

We tend to regret what we don't do in life. Even when we're in the throes of worry or confusion about a decision we've made, rarely do we focus our concern on the decision itself.

It is what we fear the result will be or our belief that we've made a wrong choice that causes the most problems. Where your relationship with a certain person is concerned, you have taken action in some way and could feel a mistake has been made.

It's time for you to summon self-discipline, discrimination, and determination combined with a healthy dose of faith in the fact that what you have instigated can only be beneficial.

Friday 8th September


Smooth Negotiator

Mercury Retrograde transits your natal 2nd house from 8th to 22nd September 2023

Your ability to think quickly or come up with rapid, clever solutions is heightened wonderfully now, and this can boost your self-esteem. However, your desire for mental stimulation could be seen as intense to those you share ideas or visions with. Just because someone doesn't connect instantly with your intellectual vibe doesn't mean they won't do so if you try to dial back your fervent communicative approach. Anyone wanting financial advice, or ideas related to making or saving money could benefit from your input. You're one very smooth negotiator now, and this can be an ability that someone in your world could find very reassuring – and attractive!

Wednesday 20th September

Don't fear the worst

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Mars from 20th to 23rd September 2023. Exact 22nd September

We tend to regret what we don't do in life. Even when we're in the throes of worry or confusion about a decision we've made, rarely do we focus our concern on the decision itself.

It is what we fear the result will be or our belief that we've made a wrong choice that causes the most problems. Where your relationship with a certain person is concerned, you have taken action in some way and could feel a mistake has been made.

It's time for you to summon self-discipline, discrimination, and determination combined with a healthy dose of faith in the fact that what you have instigated can only be beneficial.

Friday 22nd September


Like Minds

Mercury transits your natal 3rd house from 22nd September 2023 to 11th October 2023

Your ability to absorb and process information could make you a perfect student or an ideal teacher in some way. This can also make you a superb 'sounding board' for anyone who is struggling to come up with an answer or solution in their world. You bring a strong logic to thought processes now and your ability to see the different sides of any situation or story not only makes you interesting, but it also draws others to you. Your interest in local surroundings or your community might increase as well. Interacting with others who either live locally or who share your community-based interests could result in a meeting of like-minds!

Also on Friday

A fair deal needs doing

Transiting Mercury Conjuncts your natal Venus from 22nd to 24th September 2023. Exact 23rd September

Negotiation should always be a two-way process. If done properly, negotiation should result in both sides believing they have gained and reached a mutually satisfactory result.

Some people believe that negotiation must involve one side 'getting one over' the other or hoodwinking them in some way.

Where you and someone else are concerned, there is something to be negotiated, and an agreement needs to be reached. If what is discussed is discussed fairly, then both you and someone else could benefit – or profit – enormously from the process.

Thursday 28th September

Stick with the plan and keep with the program

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Neptune from 28th to 30th September 2023. Exact 30th September

If something's too good to be true, then we usually have at least one very good reason to doubt it. When something becomes available to us instantly or with little or no effort on our part, we first experience delight that gets replaced with suspicion.

Be wary now of such a situation presenting itself to you now and this probably surrounds a certain person in your world being economical with the truth.

Something in your world doesn't need 'fixing' in the way you're being led to believe, and neither does it need the level of complication that will undoubtedly arise though believing what you're being told now.

Stay focused on what you know works, makes you happy and is safe. Don't deviate from a plan just because a seemingly more attractive option is making itself available.

Friday 29th September

Crystal Clarity

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Chiron from 29th to 30th September 2023. Exact 30th September

Your sensitivity could be heightened noticeably at this time and integral to encouraging others, or one person, in particular, to speak openly with you. Your listening skills are finely tuned which could also make you a trusted confidante for someone close, and you could find the right words flow effortlessly to bring comfort or healing to them. You're able to strip away anything superfluous with your communication and convey yourself with crystal clarity. If you sense a need to open up or seek comfort or healing yourself from a loved one or partner, then you could find that adopting a more open and flexible mind toward any suppressed issue helps you see it in a more realistic perspective. This can make it easier for the object of your affections to view your issue objectively.

Saturday 30th September

If you want agreement, then ask for it

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Ascendant from 30th September 2023 to 2nd October 2023. Exact 1st October

If one person takes on board or has faith in what we're telling them, then that bodes well for others doing similarly. If, in a group situation, we find that something we're suggesting or proposing is met with receptiveness and approval, then there's clearly relevance to what we're saying.

You can make real progress now by conveying to more than one person in your world something you feel is important and needs to be said. If you've had reservations about speaking up previously for any reason, then abandon them now.

You have a point to make, can make it confidently and expect it to be met with agreement if you're willing to try.

Forecast for October 2023

Sunday 1st October

It's 'here and now' that matters

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Uranus from 1st to 2nd October 2023. Exact 2nd October

Grass often appears greener on the other side of fences. Much often appears preferable in another place – or time! Is there something you wish you could turn the clock back now to do differently than you did way back when? In the same way it is unhelpful to be pondering the past, and what you could have done differently, it is equally unhelpful to be in too much of a rush to alter the future.

It is what's happening here, and now that needs your attention and deserves to be enjoyed and celebrated, despite how a situation may appear.

You're on the brink of a very valuable and helpful discovery where your relationship world or with a certain person is concerned. Let what's unfolding continue to do so in the knowledge that you will soon have something to be very glad of.

Wednesday 4th October

Making Dreams Real

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal North Node from 4th to 6th October 2023. Exact 5th October

Enough mental preparation has probably been made to take confident steps toward a romantic or relationship future that inspires you. You owe it to yourself to stick to the mental checklist you've created and refuse to settle for second best wherever possible. You can see a clear connection between a cherished ambition and personal relationships. Therefore, it's important that whoever accompanies you on your aspirational journey understands the importance of what you want to achieve and that you're not chasing something fanciful or unrealistic. You know the journey would be much more interesting with someone at your side who shares your vision and can contribute ideas to help make them real. Embracing the spirit of teamwork with a loved one or potential partner not only helps you take strides to achieve cherished goals but also creates a shared buzz that comes from seeing what two great minds achieve together.

Also on Wednesday

Two Forward-Thinkers

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal South Node from 4th to 6th October 2023. Exact 5th October

You appreciate comfort in your emotional world or a love partnership but are also aware of things called 'comfort zones.' You could be on a mission to ensure complacency doesn't stand a chance of setting in where your romantic or relationship connections are concerned. You could also succeed in creating shortcuts to your romantic or relationship aspirations by seeking a partner who has already been where you want to be or can offer you experience-based advice. This is a time when you put great emphasis on a romantic relationship playing an integral part in helping you get to where you're trying to go. The idea of brainstorming ideas with a loved one or allowing someone close to pull strings to further your career will excite you. You need a lover who is as forward-thinking as you are, and if this hasn't been apparent previously, then it could become apparent now.

Friday 6th October

The truth needs respect

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Mercury from 6th to 8th October 2023. Exact 7th October

We're sometimes accused of 'kidding ourselves.' We often have good reason to resent such a comment. After all, why would someone else be so quick to draw a conclusion about how they feel we've drawn an incorrect or inaccurate conclusion? Where your relationship world is concerned, you have a very good reason to believe you know the truth about something someone else is inclined to think you've grasped the wrong end of the proverbial stick about.

Stick with what you know to be right and real. The truth deserves respect now, and you're in a perfect position to support it, based on what your intuition is telling you.

Also on Friday

Step back in time

Transiting Mercury Conjuncts your natal Saturn from 6th to 8th October 2023. Exact 7th October

Scriptwriters often create characters who have something called a 'wound.' This is not usually a physical injury; it is something that happened to the character, often before the story began, that hurt them.

Through this, they learned much about life, how it works and their place within it. As the story progresses, the character must return a situation they have dreaded ever experiencing again, and this involves confronting their fear about what hurt them previously. Somewhere in your world, you have to do the same now.

There is something you must learn through revisiting something from your past. See this as an essential step forward toward a fine future, not a backward step. What you discover now through whatever happened previously will prove invaluable from this point onward.

Also on Friday

Releasing emotion is the key to greater understanding

Transiting Mercury Conjuncts your natal Moon from 6th to 8th October 2023. Exact 7th October

We often hear people talk about 'bottling emotions.' Does this pictorial analogy hold any relevance for you now? There appears to be an emotion you need to express. It also appears that you have some concerns about whether anyone – or one person in particular – will acknowledge or listen to whatever it is you need to make clear.

Making your feelings clear will not only make you feel better, but it will also bring a revelation. You'll gain valuable insight into a situation that has confused you and will understand something that you've possibly struggled to understand previously.

So, don't hold back. It's in your and someone else's best interests that you release what needs to be released now.

Saturday 7th October

Consider your options

Transiting Mercury Conjuncts your natal Jupiter from 7th to 9th October 2023. Exact 8th October

When in restaurants, some people don't bother to read menus. They know what they want, possibly because they've had it before and what satisfied them previously is likely to do so again. You're now presented with an opportunity to alter an aspect of your relationship with a certain person. Before you can do so, you need to see what the celestial menu includes.

If you're willing to look beyond the obvious, then you'll see how it is possible to put in place a plan that can change more than what you believe is worthy of your attention. You have options, and that's what's being made clear – or clearer – now.

Before you take action that you're being encouraged to take, take time to review all of the options on the menu because you're bound to see something you like that you probably hadn't considered!

Monday 9th October

Is a plan worthy of your efforts?

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Mars from 9th to 11th October 2023. Exact 11th October

The word 'passion' has several uses and connotations. We also know when the time is right to invest energy in a plan or pursuit and it is the need to give your all to something combined with impatience or urgency that could be boosting passion in some way now.

Ideas, suggestions, and situations could be coming thick and fast now which may not be helping matters. Where your relationship with a certain person is concerned, you're likely to need to show restraint to avoid a confrontation or making an ill-thought-through proposal or suggestion.

Slow down and assess if what you're planning is deserving of energy you're inclined to give it. If it is, then give it your all and don't look back. If you have reservations, then trust they exist for a good reason.

Tuesday 10th October

Exploring your options

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Sun from 10th to 12th October 2023. Exact 11th October

People often speak about being 'stuck in ruts.' It's interesting how many people are willing to accept that's how things must be. They convince themselves that a rut they find themselves in will require more effort than they're prepared to give to remove themselves from it, or they fear change that will come as a result of doing so.

You are being presented with an opportunity to instigate a change that will get you out of a rut that you may feel you're stuck in.

It's possible you can remove yourself from a tedious drama and, where your relationship with someone is concerned, introduce life where tedium is all too present. You have more choices than you thought you did and that's precisely what needs to be understood now.

Also on Tuesday

Imagination can remove obstacles

Transiting Mercury Opposes your natal MidHeaven from 10th to 12th October 2023. Exact 11th October

Nowadays, it can be more difficult than it used to be to speak with individuals in companies. Many have voice mail or answer machines they use to screen calls.

There seems to be a noticeable increase in gatekeeper-style secretaries and receptionists who diligently assess each call and interrogate callers about the purpose of their call.

To make progress sometimes, imagination is required to get past such obstacles. So too, is sensitivity and courtesy. To make a point you wish to make, you're going to have to apply imagination. Someone is likely to be receptive to what you're proposing, but they just don't know it yet.

That's why it's your job to convey yourself in a way you'd probably want someone to convey themselves to you.

Wednesday 11th October



Mercury transits your natal 4th house from 11th October 2023 to 2nd November 2023

The mental stimulation you need could have a curious connection with your home or possibly family members. You could feel especially keen to encourage communication within the family circle but might find your efforts to do so aren't reciprocated in ways you hoped. This could also be a time when your mind is cast to the past, perhaps to memorable people or previous episodes in your life. There's something very traditional about your thought processes now, and your sentimental qualities could be seen as very attractive by someone who appreciates the value you place on your home and family.

Sunday 15th October

Taking a brave step

Transiting Mercury Conjuncts your natal Pluto from 15th to 17th October 2023. Exact 17th October

A moment of clarity is imminent. So too is a breath-taking transformation. With change imminent, you are understandably feeling some level of apprehension and, if you want to experience less, then it's essential you look closely at what – or whom – you're so anxious to retain control of. A situation in your relationship world needs reassessing and re-evaluating. This process will, undoubtedly, result in a revelation and a less than desirable situation becoming very different in a positive way once this revelation occurs.

This won't happen on its own though. It will require you to take action in a way you've possibly been reluctant to take previously. Don't fear what is unfolding now.

Don't fear a need to ask for help where you need it, either. What's happening is necessary and extremely positive. Once your apprehension and uncertainty clear, you will not need reminding of this.

Monday 16th October

Reviving a dream

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Neptune from 16th to 17th October 2023. Exact 17th October

Dreams and aspirations never really disappear if we don't achieve or attain them. Sometimes, newer ones take their place. Eventually, we discover that what mattered to us a long time ago remains important and become aware that we ought to give what once mattered our time and attention once again.

In your relationship world, something or someone that once mattered greatly to you is becoming a priority again in some way. An opportunity to focus once again on what - or whom - has never left the realms of your mind and heart is about to present itself.

Tuesday 17th October

Keep it simple

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Ascendant from 17th to 19th October 2023. Exact 18th October

It's amazing how simply leaving one word out of a sentence can change it dramatically. When we're trying to make a point or convey ideas to others, then doing so successfully relies entirely upon others grasping and fully understanding the point we're making.

We know, from experience, that people don't always understand what we're trying to tell them despite our efforts to do all we can to ensure they do. If what you're trying to convey to a certain person – or group of people – appears to be hard work, then you need to rethink how you're conveying it. Remove all assumption from the equation.

Start again if you feel you must do so. You can save considerable hassle and frustration by doing both if you sense it is necessary.

Saturday 21st October

Pay Attention

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal North Node from 21st to 23rd October 2023. Exact 22nd October

Conveying your ideas for the future could be tricky at this time. If your goals are vague, then your efforts could be sporadic and inconsistent. However, this could be due to overthinking them or working so rigidly to a plan that you become confused or agitated when everything doesn't go entirely to plan. You want to be the captain of your own destiny and might not take kindly to advice from a loved one or partner about steps you could take to make your visions real. You might also believe that nobody apart from you truly understands what you're keen to achieve. However, if you can adopt a more open and flexible mind to any suggestions coming from someone close, then you could discover they have at least one valid point. Be willing to listen.

Also on Saturday

Speaking Openly and Authentically

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal South Node from 21st to 23rd October 2023. Exact 22nd October

Expressing thoughts, feelings or desires could be particularly difficult at this time. You might feel an unignorable sense of nervousness about revealing your authentic self to a lover and the idea of making yourself vulnerable to do so only increases nervousness. You might feel taking the path of least resistance with affairs of the heart is your best option, and simply allow a relationship to unfold or progress with little or no steering from you. However, whether single or attached, you might be able to spot a certain pattern regarding the kind of person you attract and commit to. Past lovers might have discouraged you from speaking openly. It's also possible your attitude toward communicating in relationships – or not doing so – stems from issues your parents experienced similarly. You're encouraged to accept the need for a partner who won't stifle your personality or desires and wants you to be yourself. If you're with someone currently who fits that bill, then fantastic. If not, then make the need a priority for the future.

Tuesday 24th October

Time to be selective

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Mercury from 24th to 25th October 2023. Exact 25th October

We often resent having no options available to us. Then, we resent having too many. We like having a choice, but not too much choice.

It is through having a bit too much choice in your relationship world now that is causing you to make what can only be described as a controversial decision – and making that is likely to bring about a controversial result!

Avoid giving time and attention to whatever or whoever isn't as worthy of it. With little effort, you can identify what or whom is worthy of your attention and, from there, you can make a decision that is less likely to cause tongues wagging.

Friday 27th October

Leave aggression on the doorstep

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Mars from 27th to 29th October 2023. Exact 28th October

How we choose to convey ourselves or make a point is often dictated by our mood or attitude at the time. If we're feeling resentful, aggrieved or angry, then we sometimes use a proverbial sledgehammer to crack a proverbial walnut when a much simpler and less confrontational way would have been best.

It's important you bear that in mind now. Your impatience to make a certain point might be underpinned with more aggression than you intend. Be diplomatic and ensure sensitivity plays a big part in whatever it is you feel the need to say to a certain person now.

Saturday 28th October

It is love that makes the world go around

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Venus from 28th to 30th October 2023. Exact 30th October

People employed in the financial world often tell us that the past should not be a guideline for the future when investing. Anyone shrewd enough to consider investing in such companies is usually aware of that fact.

Money, they say makes the world go around and if we decide we need money or more of it, then there are options available to us or steps we can take that investment of effort will change.

What about love though? Can we bring about love or more love in our world by making a similar effort? There's enough money in the world for anyone who wants some or more of it but is there a finite amount of love available to us during our lifetimes? Prepare to discover how no such limit exists through being very aware of how loved you are.

Also on Saturday

Smile sweetly and look for what truly deserves your attention

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Sun from 28th to 29th October 2023. Exact 29th October

Do you turn the other cheek? Do you ignore provocation? Doing either will require much self-control. It will also require faith on your part because the act of ignoring such a bothersome factor is one that is unlikely be done easily. If you want to involve yourself in a pointless debate now, then you can.

However, all the indications are, where tension exists between you and a certain person, you ought to avoid a drama that is better left alone. Something more constructive needs your time and attention. Look closely at what is far more simple, sweet and clearer and focus on that.

Forecast Until 7th November 2023

Thursday 2nd November


Powerfully Engaging, Delightfully Romantic

Mercury transits your natal 5th house from 2nd to 26th November 2023

You might enjoy being guided by unpredictable thought processes, and these could play a part in you expressing yourself in intelligent and witty ways. Superficial chitchat is unlikely to interest you now as you prefer conversations or exchanges that truly stimulate the mind or are based around something genuinely interesting. Communication, whether written or spoken, acts as an outlet for creative self-expression. Your communicative style could be powerfully engaging – and delightfully romantic! This could be a time when you seek an audience, whether this involves allowing any entertaining talents to shine or applying your enhanced creativity to make learning a fun and enjoyable experience for others.

Friday 3rd November

Listen and Trust

Transiting Mercury Opposes your natal Chiron from 3rd to 5th November 2023. Exact 5th November

We all know someone prone to often taking what's said to them too personally. Whether a comment is made in jest or an innocuous observation, we can be aware of how someone somehow manages to read more into what's said than is necessary. It's possible you could be such a person now. Communicative misunderstandings can occur, and the main cause of these could be your inclination to react too sensitively or defensively to what's said to you. This can also cause you to become insular and uncommunicative, which can fuel feelings of doubt, guilt, shame or embarrassment. You could feel more confused than confident when conveying or expressing thoughts, feelings or ideas. Fortunately, there's probably nothing wrong with what you intend to say. The main problem exists in you misinterpreting what someone else is saying. Boosting your listening abilities and trust levels can create a much more harmonious, two-way link.

Sunday 5th November

Say it and say it confidently

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Ascendant from 5th to 6th November 2023. Exact 6th November

We tend to be very 'tuned in' to people who have a great deal to say but who don't appear to be able to back up what they're saying. Such people tend to simply regurgitate what they've been told and have never chosen to question the validity or relevance to what they're telling others.

However, some people appear to possess 'gift of the gab' and make sense when they speak. You can elevate your status in the eyes of certain people – or a certain person in particular – by speaking confidently and knowledgeably now.

You have something interesting and relevant to say. Don't feel otherwise.

Monday 6th November

The answer needs to come from the heart

Transiting Mercury Conjuncts your natal Uranus from 6th to 7th November 2023. Exact 7th November

Computers will always do as they're told. They can't think for themselves, even if it appears they can. Any decisions they make on our behalf are made according to a program. If 'X' occurs, then the computer knows to implement 'Y.'

With that in mind, consider certain conclusions you're reaching now. Are they being made in such a cold and calculated way? There's nothing wrong will applying logic to what needs sorting now.

However, logic needs to be mixed with what your heart is telling you and therein lies the reason for potential conflict. Your heart needs to play a bigger part in a decision you're making now.

Allow it more room to do so and the balance between what it is saying and what logic is saying will be restored. In your personal life now, that's precisely the balance that you need.

Meghan's Planetary Positions

August, 4th 1981 Local Time 4:46 AM Universal Time 11:46 AM

Los Angeles, CA 34°03'N, 118°15'W

All times based on current location of Los Angeles, CA


North Node











House Cusp Positions











Element Emphasis - Total Points









Modality Emphasis - Total Points







Planetary Weight Point System

Sun & Moon

Mercury, Venus & Mars

Jupiter & Saturn

4 points each
3 points each
2 points each

Uranus, Neptune & Pluto

Ascendant (Rising Sign)


1 points each
4 points
2 points

  • Geocentric
  • Tropical
  • Placidus
  • True Node

Planet Aspects & Orbs Grid


Harmonious Aspects


Challenging Aspects


Planet Aspect List

Sun Conjuncts Mercury
Sun Semisextile Venus
Sun Semisextile Mars
Sun Trines MidHeaven
Moon Sextiles Mercury
Moon Squares Mars
Moon Conjuncts Jupiter
Moon Conjuncts Saturn
Moon Opposes MidHeaven
Moon Sextiles North Node
Mercury Conjuncts Sun
Mercury Sextiles Moon
Mercury Sextiles Jupiter
Mercury Sextiles Saturn
Mercury Sesquiquadrate Neptune
Mercury Trines MidHeaven
Mercury Conjuncts North Node
Venus Semisextile Sun
Venus Sextiles Mars
Venus Quincunx MidHeaven
Mars Semisextile Sun
Mars Squares Moon
Mars Sextiles Venus
Mars Squares Jupiter
Mars Squares Saturn
Mars Sesquiquadrate Uranus
Mars Squares MidHeaven
Jupiter Conjuncts Moon
Jupiter Sextiles Mercury
Jupiter Squares Mars
Jupiter Conjuncts Saturn
Jupiter Opposes MidHeaven
Jupiter Sesquiquadrate Chiron
Saturn Conjuncts Moon
Saturn Sextiles Mercury
Saturn Squares Mars
Saturn Conjuncts Jupiter
Saturn Opposes MidHeaven
Saturn Sesquiquadrate Chiron
Uranus Sesquiquadrate Mars
Uranus Trines Ascendant
Uranus Sesquiquadrate MidHeaven
Uranus Trines North Node
Uranus Opposes Chiron
Neptune Sesquiquadrate Mercury
Neptune Sextiles Pluto
Neptune Quincunx Chiron
Pluto Sextiles Neptune
Pluto Squares Ascendant
Pluto Quincunx Chiron
Ascendant Trines Uranus
Ascendant Squares Pluto
Ascendant Sextiles Chiron
MidHeaven Trines Sun
MidHeaven Quincunx Venus
MidHeaven Squares Mars
MidHeaven Opposes Jupiter
MidHeaven Sesquiquadrate Uranus
North Node Sextiles Moon
North Node Conjuncts Mercury
North Node Trines Uranus
Chiron Sesquiquadrate Jupiter
Chiron Sesquiquadrate Saturn
Chiron Opposes Uranus
Chiron Quincunx Neptune
Chiron Quincunx Pluto
Chiron Sextiles Ascendant